Hello, I’m facing a problem with passwords changing.
First I deploy percona-operator and my-cluster-secrets with default passwords:
root: cm9vdF9wYXNzd29yZA==
xtrabackup: YmFja3VwX3Bhc3N3b3Jk
monitor: bW9uaXRvcg==
clustercheck: Y2x1c3RlcmNoZWNrcGFzc3dvcmQ=
proxyadmin: YWRtaW5fcGFzc3dvcmQ=
pmmserver: c3VwYXxefHBheno=
operator: b3BlcmF0b3JhZG1pbg==
and everything’s ok.
Then I change secrets to custom this way
root: f13a826771
operator: xkijmtfjz8
monitor: 3i2sc5ehy2
clustercheck: x1o5xeol9e
proxyadmin: 1d567w40gs
xtrabackup: f894n8na58
pmmserver: x8gvn4n6kr
and remove these rows in proxysql config:
admin_variables = { admin_credentials="proxyadmin:admin_password" cluster_username="proxyadmin" cluster_password="admin_password"
mysql_variables= { monitor_password="monitor"
and proxysql pods restarting and start giving an errors:
2021-01-20 13:43:07 MySQL_Session.cpp:4690:handler___status_CONNECTING_CLIENT___STATE_SERVER_HANDSHAKE(): [ERROR] ProxySQL Error: Access denied for user ‘proxyadmin’@‘’ (using password: YES)
2021-01-20 13:43:07 MySQL_Monitor.cpp:1785:monitor_galera_thread(): [ERROR] Server percona-pxc-1.percona-pxc.***.svc.cluster.local:3306 missed 3 Galera checks. Assuming offline
- what could be the reason?
- what’s the correct procedure of password changing?
- should these options exist: “admin_credentials”, “cluster_username”, “cluster_password”, “monitor_password” in proxysql configuration?
- what is the purpose of the internal-percona secret, should there be any actions with it?
Can provide cr.yml and operator-deployment.yml manifests but can’t attach it for now because it restricted for the new users.
Thank you.