Can not see mongo service

I re-deploy PMMv2.3. I added my mongo servers but PMM can not see its mongo service. I checked from prometheus which is getting mondo Infos from the agent. Do you have any idea why it’s like that?

I also try to deploy Pmmv2.4 and it was the same as v2.3. Whats missing?

I think i found the problem. The problem comes through agent.  At prometheus, every node showing under same service name instead of their own. But dont know how to fix it :neutral:

I have another idea, my mongo instances have authorization=enabled. Which means i may need to define a username&password to pmm-agent. Any idea?

Apr 10 15:33:55 pmmagent pmm-agent[8323]: INFO[2020-04-10T15:33:55.279+03:00] time=“2020-04-10T15:33:55+03:00” level=error msg=“Failed to get oplog timestamps status: (Unauthorized) command find requires authentication” source=“oplog_status.go:149”  agentID=/agent_id/67441628-948e-402a-90d4-44bad58c4fa5 component=agent-process type=mongodb_exporter

Now the question; how can i give username&password to the agent/exporter ?

Here is the document but some little infos are missing. (
- the user you will use, need to have “root” role
- Replication set name or cluster name need to be given
Closed :smiley:

pmm-admin add mongodb --username=mongodb_exporter --password="super_secret_pass" but you'll first need to grant the user the right permissions in mongo.  Here are the steps to create the user/password and grant the right permissions to be used with the exporter (that's from PMM1 docs so only use that part to set the mongo permissions, the other steps won't be the same).  
You'll need to remove that exporter first though to re-add it with the credentials. (pmm-admin remove mongodb <service-name>