bug in debian packages for buster


I wanted to report a bug in the debian packages .

There is a bug in the way perconna name the packages version. As you know a version is alphabeticaly sorted.

The problem arise when you add the distribution name in the version field

5.7.31-34-1.stretch and not 5.7.31-34-1.9

then an apt-get dist-upgrade will refuse to upgrade the package because

5.7.31-34-1.buster is LOWER than 5.7.31-34-1.stetch :slight_smile:

Debian use -deb-ux for debian release x

The version should not have the name of the debian because it is not alphabetical and lead to issues i think. If you really want the version you should put the number the same way debian does -debu not the name, dont you think ?

best regards,


error is:

The following packages have unmet dependencies:

percona-server-server-5.7 : PreDepends: percona-server-common-5.7 (= 5.7.31-34-1.buster) but 5.7.31-34-1.stretch is to be installed

                        Depends: percona-server-client-5.7 (= 5.7.31-34-1.buster) but 5.7.31-34-1.stretch is to be installed

E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.

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Hi @aqueos

During OS updates it is recommended to remove old packages and then install new OS specific packages.

In this way you could be sure that you get correct binaries and dependencies.

Also operation systems recommend to disable third-party repos on OS updates.

So if you follow these recommendations such issues should not appear

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thanks a lot for taking the time to answer me :slight_smile:

I dont think i can use your solution because a lot of package have mysql in dependency, if i remove the peronna package and upgrade my debian it will install mariadb and screw my schema all over preventing me to put it back later.

best regards,


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i really think your naming convention putting the distrib name instead of -debx can lead to problem and seems an easely fixable :slight_smile:

in any case I must thank you a lot for those packages, i just wanted to let you know of an issue :slight_smile:

best regards,


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Hi @aqueos

Thanks for your input.

We will investigate this situation deeply.

I have created jira ticket for this (https://jira.percona.com/browse/PS-7404)

So you can follow it

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thanks a lot, have a nice day and thanks again for your work ! :slight_smile:


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i learned that if you put a tilde ~ everything after the tilde is ignored. So you can just prefix the distrib name by a tilde and this will be interpreted correctly by the system.


in the version and the debian package system will see this is the same version number as 5.7.31-34-1~buster and not block on a DOWNGRADE error.

hopes it helps :slight_smile:

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i see the bug in jira is closed because nothing has been done and debian9 is not supported anymore but the bug exist in all version of debian and buster > bullseye so we have the exact same problem upgrading from debian stretch to buster and buster to bullseye. Same issue here. :slight_smile:

best regards,

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