Backup jobs not created anymore

Using PG Opertor 2.3.1 Postgresql 15
I was testing a backup cleaning script during which the PerconaPGBackup suddenly stopped creating backup jobs.
It is unknown when the issue happened but I think it was possibly during some mistakes when the script deleted some PerconaPGBackups that were not completed
It is useless to post the script code because I don’t know during which change this happened
Every PerconaPGBackup looks like this now, without a job created:

kind: PerconaPGBackup
  creationTimestamp: '2024-08-28T06:49:25Z'
  generateName: service-1-pg-db-repo2-incr-
  generation: 1
    - apiVersion:
      fieldsType: FieldsV1
          f:generateName: {}
          .: {}
          f:options: {}
          f:pgCluster: {}
          f:repoName: {}
      manager: postgres-operator
      operation: Update
      time: '2024-08-28T06:49:25Z'
  name: service-1-pg-db-repo2-incr-pdsn9
  namespace: postgres
  resourceVersion: '569677870'
  uid: fddf2d7c-b598-4471-a92b-cff304e42051
  selfLink: >-
    - '--type=incr'
  pgCluster: service-1-pg-db
  repoName: repo2

So I continued testing and I realised that the backups stops working because I am removing the PerconaPGBackups CRs with a certain pattern.
The script is removing the PerconaPGBackups, leaving only the last 11 ones to see.
In the operator logs it’s complaining that it is waiting for batch of 11 PerconaPGBackups to complete before starting a new backup

Hello @mboncalo

I was testing a backup cleaning script during which the PerconaPGBackup suddenly stopped creating backup jobs.

Check Operator logs for any errors for backup jobs.

Also, Check below things for backup Pod/Job,
List backups:
kubectl get pg-backup

Get backup pods and check logs to see why it’s failing.

kubectl get pods

kubectl logs  <failed backup pod>

You try taking a simple on-demand backup as described here if you are testing on-demand backup and see how it works,

I posted an image where you can see how backups stopped woking.
In the first post I wrote the yaml file of the new PerconaPGBackups that are not creating any backup jobs anymore
There are no failed pods because no pods are created

Do you see any backup job related error/message in the Operator log ?

No backup related errors