About “percona-xtrabackup-percona-xtrabackup-8.0.30-23.tar.gz” can't build on Centos6

$ yum install centos-release-scl
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, refresh-packagekit, security
Setting up Install Process
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile

  • epel: mirror.nju.edu.cn
    No package centos-release-scl available.
    Error: Nothing to do

$ please provide “percona-xtrabackup-8.0.30-23-Linux-x86_64.glibc2.12.tar.gz”

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CentOS 6 has been EOL for a long time now. We do not support, maintain, nor provide packages or build instructions for any of our MySQL related products on CentOS 6. You really should consider upgrading as you are high risk of security vulnerabilities running on a post EOL operating system.

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Thank you for your reply, but the source code can not be compiled

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Correct. CentOS 6 is not a supported operating system. Please upgrade to at least CentOS 7.

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Thank you for your reply. Due to industry reasons, the amount of data is large, and the possibility of upgrading the operating system is very low. I am thinking of a way, thank you

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