502 bad gateway when I have directory bind mounted volume

This is the first time installing PMM. I setup PMM using directory bind mounted volume but it didn’t work. Here is what I did. However if I remove the directory bind mounted volumes. It worked successfully. Does anyone know what I did wrong?

$ docker create
-v /u01/prometheus/data:/opt/prometheus/data
-v /u01/consul-data:/opt/consul-data
-v /u01/mysql:/var/lib/mysql
-v /u01/grafana:/var/lib/grafana
–name pmm-data
percona/pmm-server:latest /bin/true
$ docker run -d
-p 80:80
–volumes-from pmm-data
–name pmm-server
–restart always
$ curl [url]http://localhost/ping[/url]

502 Bad Gateway

502 Bad Gateway


Hi bplegend
Can you load the Prometheus dashboard at all? if so, please share with us the logs.zip file

If you cannot, can you get the contents from /var/log/nginx.log , then we can troubleshoot what is going on with the proxy web instance.

I’d encourage you also to look through the other logs in /var/log - there might be a clue there.