I am trying to optimize the current settings of mysql and I’ve run across somewhere that one should make sure that the OS and MySQL are both 64bit… I currently have a 32bit MySQL running on a 64bit Fedora Core 7… I am wondering as to what are the disadvantage/s of my current settings…
Hope to hear from any of you… 
One of disadvantages would be 3GB RAM usage limit since mysql deamon is just one process. So if your mysql needs more memory than that, you’re in trouble.
What was the reason you installed 32bit version on 64bit system though ?
Hi przemek, Thank you so much for your reply… 
We were using a 32bit machine before and when it was upgraded we weren’t conscious enough that we also needed to have a new set of installers… err
I’ve more questions though…
We’re currently using MySQL 5.0.24 and the nearest version I could find with 64bit tar installer is MySQL 5.1.53. Would there be a great adjustment if we’re gonna upgrade from MySQL 5.0.24 to 5.0.53?
And if we’re gonna stay with the 32bit MySQL, would it be safe to say that we could use the entire 3GB to MySQL and the rest can be used up by the OS and other processes? The 64bit machine are being used on a 24/7 basis that’s why we’re a bit hesitant to do an upgrade yet…
Thanks a lot!