xtrabackup export/import table and LSN issues

After discarding and importing the tablespace on a table following the manual [URL]Percona XtraBackup

and run xtrabackup on it I get an error:

[01] Streaming ./db/table.ibd
[01] xtrabackup: Database page corruption detected at page 7. retrying…
[01] xtrabackup: Database page corruption detected at page 7. retrying…
[01] xtrabackup: Database page corruption detected at page 7. retrying…
[01] xtrabackup: Database page corruption detected at page 7. retrying…
[01] xtrabackup: Database page corruption detected at page 7. retrying…
[01] xtrabackup: Database page corruption detected at page 7. retrying…
[01] xtrabackup: Database page corruption detected at page 7. retrying…
[01] xtrabackup: Database page corruption detected at page 7. retrying…
[01] xtrabackup: Database page corruption detected at page 7. retrying…
[01] xtrabackup: Error: 10 retries resulted in fail. File ./db/table.ibd seems to be corrupted.
[01] xtrabackup: Error: xtrabackup_copy_datafile() failed.
[01] xtrabackup: Error: failed to copy datafile.
innobackupex: Error: ibbackup child process has died at /usr//bin/innobackupex line 381.

I am running xtrabackup 2.0.5 on debian 6.0 x64.

I’ve checked the table and also accessed all it’s data from mysql without any issues.
Innochecksum on the other hand reports LSN not in sequence in the affected tables i.e. page 1: 3253252325, page 2: 0 etc.

Kind Regards,


Can you please provide all original steps which you are following ? There might be a some issue with that. I hope you are using innodb_file_per_table ON. I would also like to suggest you to use latest version ([URL]Download Percona XtraBackup 8.0)and check. Because there can be some bug in your old xtrabackup utility. Thanks.