Xbstream extremely slow

I tried --stream=xbstream | gzip - > /backup.xbstream.gz
after unzipping when I tried to extract the files using using xbstream -x backup.xbstream it is taking way longer than usual. Is this a default behavior? are there ways to resolve this?

Xtrabackup 8.0.23-16
Centos server 7
percona mysql 8.0.22

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Hi there,

You can speed up extraction by parallelizing the work using --parallel option.

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are there any dependencies based on which I should set the value? I tried with --parallel=4 and the response was same no change.

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Did you check disk/CPU usage? Maybe there is hardware saturation.

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I got this one thanks guys.

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@Rudrojit Can you please share your fix so that others can benefit as well? Thanks.

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I was doing it wrong all this time
I was doing xbstream -x bkpfile.xbstream --parallel=100 where as it should be
xbstream -x --parallel=10 < bkpfile.xbstream -C /path-to-decompressed-files/

this pattern is not mentioned in percona site.

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