I have a question for you.
After updating from pmm 1.6 to pmm 2.3, there is a phenomenon in which the server capacity is rapidly filled.
1.9G capacity accumulated in 3 days,
It’s hard to find where this capacity increase is.
There is no part where data is accumulated in the log folder,
Where is the data being stored?
I don’t have the capacity right now, so the pmm went down and I reinstalled it.
Hello @shshwe2,
Thanks for reaching out on this. We have a really nice and detailed blog written on [How much disk space should I allocate for Percona Monitoring and Management?](https://How much disk space should I allocate for Percona Monitoring and Management?). It is an old article but surely explains very well how you should “think about” the storage requirement for the PMM.
Ofcourse now we have to think about Victoriamatrix as Prometheus is replaced with it. That said the FAQ section of the documentation clearly mentions
What are the minimum system requirements?
- Server:
- Disk: 1 GB per monitored database (1 week data retention)
- Memory: 2 GB per monitored database
Could you clarify more on your configuration (storage, number of servers, retention etc)?
Hello @shshwe2, you can also see the details about disc usage in PMM on https://YOUR_PMM_SERVER/graph/d/node-disk/disk-details?var-node_name=pmm-server.
Or on the Node summary dashboard.
The primary data is located in /srv folder onside PMM so that you can check it based on your distribution method.
Also, check https://YOUR_PMM_SERVER/logs.zip for logs and diagnostic data.
It will also help to have more details on your installation @kedarpercona asked for + information about Service Type you have monitored.
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