When pitr is enabled, can I save the lastest oploy but not wait the oplogSpanMin?

When testing I set pitr.oplogSpanMin=5 (original value is 10) and sleep 10 then rollback pitr.oplogSpanMin=10, some times the oplog can upload immediately, but sometimes I got errors as following
streaming oplog: epoch mismatch. Got sleep in {1651759210 6}, woke up in {1651804591 1}. Too old

2022-05-06T02:40:52.000+0000 E [pitr] streaming oplog: epoch mismatch. Got sleep in {1651759210 6}, woke up in {1651804591 1}. Too old for that stuff.

2022-05-06T02:35:50.000+0000 I starting PITR routine                                                                                                                         
2022-05-06T02:35:51.000+0000 I node: rs0/xx-mongo-mongodb-0.xx-mongo-mongodb-headless.xx.svc.cluster.local:27017                                                             
2022-05-06T02:35:51.000+0000 I listening for the commands                                                                                                                    
2022-05-06T02:35:51.000+0000 D [pitr] stale lock: {PITR incremental backup rs0 xx-mongo-mongodb-0.xx-mongo-mongodb-headless.xx.svc.cluster.local:27017  0xc0003cd6e0}        
2022-05-06T02:35:51.000+0000 D [pitr] start_catchup                                                                                                                          
2022-05-06T02:35:51.000+0000 D [pitr] lastTS set to {1651803947 1} 2022-05-06T02:25:47                                                                                       
2022-05-06T02:35:52.000+0000 I [pitr] streaming started from 2022-05-06 02:25:47 +0000 UTC / 1651803947                                                                      
2022-05-06T02:35:52.000+0000 D [pitr] start_ok                                                                                                                               
2022-05-06T02:36:32.000+0000 I got command resync <ts: 1651804591>                                                                                                           
2022-05-06T02:36:32.000+0000 I got epoch {1651804591 1}                                                                                                                      
2022-05-06T02:36:32.000+0000 D [resync] get lock: another operation is running: PITR incremental backup ''                                                                   
2022-05-06T02:36:32.000+0000 D [resync] lock not acquired                                                                                                                    
2022-05-06T02:40:52.000+0000 D [pitr] set pitr span to 5m0s                                                                                                                  
2022-05-06T02:40:52.000+0000 I [pitr] got wake_up signal                                                                                                                     
2022-05-06T02:40:52.000+0000 E [pitr] streaming oplog: epoch mismatch. Got sleep in {1651759210 6}, woke up in {1651804591 1}. Too old for that stuff.                       
2022-05-06T02:41:07.000+0000 D [pitr] set pitr span to 10m0s                                                                                                                 
2022-05-06T03:00:00.000+0000 I got command deletePitr <ts: 1651806000>                                                                                                       
2022-05-06T03:00:01.000+0000 I got epoch {1651804591 1}  

Another way can I trigger oplog upload immediately?

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