I have table fields with following structure:
id(int), document_id(int), name(int), value(text)
index(document_id, name, id)
with ~ 2000000 records growing fast. I have to search this table due to name and value but i need search only last ‘version’ of document (
by version i mean situation like this:
i have row
1 | 1 | first_name | Adrian
then i insert another
2 | 1 | first_name | John
this means i’ve edited document 1 and change first_name from Adrian to John and when in search user interface i put Adrian i should get no results
I’m able to get the latest value for each field in document with query very fast (0.07s):
select max(d.id), d.document_id, d.name, d2.value from documents d, documents d2 where d.id = d2.id group by d.document_id, d.name
When I add where clause like d2.value = ‘Adrian’ and d2.name = ‘first_name’ (with straight_join because otherwise it looks for the last appearance of value = ‘Adrian’ and it should check if the last version of that field has value = ‘Adrian’) execution time is about 15s.
select straight_join max(d.id), d.documentId, d.name, d2.value from documents d,documents d2 where d2.name = ‘first_name’ and d2.value = ‘Adrian’ and d.id = d2.id
I’m out of ideas (
Please help me