We want to compare performance between valkey and redis enterprise using valkey-benchmark for valkey and memtier_benchmark. for redis enterprise. For redis enterprise we can connect to any of the node in the cluster and it handles the get if the hashslot is present in different node. For valkey, we get the below error when connecting to 1 out of 3 nodes. Will valkey not automatically handle if the hashslot is present in different node instead of returing the hashslot for which client has to retry?
[root@xxxxxxx valkey]# valkey-benchmark -h xxxxxx -p 7000 -c 20 -P 10 --threads 2 -q
PING_INLINE: 199203.20 requests per second, p50=0.375 msec
PING_MBULK: 398406.41 requests per second, p50=0.375 msec
Error from server: MOVED 13782 xxxxx:7000ll: -nan)