I am using Percona Xtrabackup 2.4.19,the database version is MySQL 5.7.29.
I have other database in this mysql instance is innodb.
Excuse me, xtrabackup backup MyISAM data, can you lock only tables that need to be backed up without using global locks ?
Hello @Yali_Pear, you will always have an ibdata1 file. Even if you do not have any InnoDB tables, the innodb engine still starts by default, thus this file must exist and will always exist.
MyISAM tables are independent of eachother. You can take a backup of a MyISAM table by running ‘FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK’ in one session and copy the .MYI and .MYD files to another location on disk. Backup complete. To restore, DROP TABLE first, then copy the 2 files into your datadir. Restore complete .
–databases is fully supported. Check for misspelling.