Using CertManager and TLS with MongoDB Helm charts results in error?


We already have cert-manager deployed and working in our clusters using SmallStep CA as an issuer. Works fine for us. I installed the psmdb-operator with little to no changes to its default values.

I try to install a psmdb-db with its helm chart and get an error because the operator tries to create a CA cert that is already controlled by our own CA(SmallStep).

Not sure what the proper approach is here. We only want certificates on our clusters that are signed by our own CA and we know get renewed based on our needs and wants.

Is there some way to use the certificates generated by certManager from our CA?

If we generate internal and external certifcates prior to deploying a MongoDB statefulset with the psmdb-db helm chart. Can we just tell it to use the existing certificates by passing it the appropriate secrets?

Steps to Reproduce:

I am using both the psmdb-operator and the psmdb-db Helm charts. Both version 1.19.0.


  • replicaCount: 3 in values file
  • watchAllNamespaces: true


I did a deploy with backup and sharding disabled. I then tried setting the below TLS values but got the same result.

  • tls.mode: allowTLS
  • step-cluster-issuer
  • tls.issuerConf.kind: StepClusterIssuer

The name, kind and group values are ussually what we set when on the issuerRef whenever we want a certificate issued. So I figured I would give it a try…


TLS secrets handler: "create ssl by cert-manager: update cert mangager certs: failed to apply cert-manager certificates: failed to wait for ca cert: set controller reference: Object percona/first-psmdb-psmdb-db-ca-cert is already owned by another Certificate controller first-psmdb-psmdb-db-ca-cert". Please create your TLS secret first-psmdb-psmdb-db-ssl manually or setup cert-manager correctly

Expected Result:

Valid certificates, generated by certManager with our CA as the issuer, for internal
and external communication.

MongoDB StatefulSet, Pods, Services, etc are created.

Actual Result:

Certificates get created but the PerconaServerMongoDB kind is stuck in an error state with the above error message. No PODS are ever created.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  annotations: "" first-psmdb-psmdb-db-ca-cert first-psmdb-psmdb-db-ca "" "" Issuer first-psmdb-psmdb-db-psmdb-ca-issuer ""
  creationTimestamp: "2025-01-24T10:37:40Z"
  labels: "true"
  name: first-psmdb-psmdb-db-ca-cert
  namespace: percona
  - apiVersion:
    blockOwnerDeletion: true
    controller: true
    kind: Certificate
    name: first-psmdb-psmdb-db-ca-cert
    uid: 588823e5-b309-4233-bbe9-e41770ecf7dd
  resourceVersion: "351676508"
  uid: 0ecae70c-ec25-4e3c-8643-869fc3e57606

Additional Information:

As an update I generated two certificates using our standard approach. Then passed those in with the following config for the chart.

  mode: allowTLS
  tls.allowInvalidCertificates: false
    name: step-cluster-issuer
    kind: StepClusterIssuer
  ssl: first-psmdb-ssl-external
  sslInternal: first-psmdb-ssl-internal
  encryptionKey: first-psmdb-psmdb-db-mongodb-encryption-key
  keyFile: first-psmdb-psmdb-db-mongodb-keyfile
  users: internal-first-psmdb-psmdb-db-users

This seems to get me farther. But I now see errors like the below in the statefulsets logs.

first-psmdb-psmdb-db-rs0-0 mongod {"t":{"$date":"2025-01-24T13:34:33.145+00:00"},"s":"I",  "c":"ACCESS",   "id":5286202, "ctx":"conn3557","msg":"Different user name was supplied to saslSupportedMechs","attr":{"error":{"code":17,"codeName":"ProtocolError","errmsg":"Attempt to switch database target during SASL authentication from clusterAdmin@ to @admin"}}}
first-psmdb-psmdb-db-rs0-0 mongod {"t":{"$date":"2025-01-24T13:34:33.242+00:00"},"s":"I",  "c":"ACCESS",   "id":5286202, "ctx":"conn3561","msg":"Different user name was supplied to saslSupportedMechs","attr":{"error":{"code":17,"codeName":"ProtocolError","errmsg":"Attempt to switch database target during SASL authentication from userAdmin@ to @admin"}}}
first-psmdb-psmdb-db-rs0-0 mongod {"t":{"$date":"2025-01-24T13:34:34.289+00:00"},"s":"I",  "c":"ACCESS",   "id":5286202, "ctx":"conn3564","msg":"Different user name was supplied to saslSupportedMechs","attr":{"error":{"code":17,"codeName":"ProtocolError","errmsg":"Attempt to switch database target during SASL authentication from clusterAdmin@ to @admin"}}}
first-psmdb-psmdb-db-rs0-0 mongod {"t":{"$date":"2025-01-24T13:34:34.389+00:00"},"s":"I",  "c":"ACCESS",   "id":5286202, "ctx":"conn3568","msg":"Different user name was supplied to saslSupportedMechs","attr":{"error":{"code":17,"codeName":"ProtocolError","errmsg":"Attempt to switch database target during SASL authentication from userAdmin@ to @admin"}}}
first-psmdb-psmdb-db-rs0-0 mongod {"t":{"$date":"2025-01-24T13:34:35.447+00:00"},"s":"I",  "c":"ACCESS",   "id":5286202, "ctx":"conn3571","msg":"Different user name was supplied to saslSupportedMechs","attr":{"error":{"code":17,"codeName":"ProtocolError","errmsg":"Attempt to switch database target during SASL authentication from clusterAdmin@ to @admin"}}}
first-psmdb-psmdb-db-rs0-0 mongod {"t":{"$date":"2025-01-24T13:34:35.537+00:00"},"s":"I",  "c":"ACCESS",   "id":5286202, "ctx":"conn3574","msg":"Different user name was supplied to saslSupportedMechs","attr":{"error":{"code":17,"codeName":"ProtocolError","errmsg":"Attempt to switch database target during SASL authentication from userAdmin@ to @admin"}}}
first-psmdb-psmdb-db-rs0-0 mongod {"t":{"$date":"2025-01-24T13:34:36.588+00:00"},"s":"I",  "c":"ACCESS",   "id":5286202, "ctx":"conn3577","msg":"Different user name was supplied to saslSupportedMechs","attr":{"error":{"code":17,"codeName":"ProtocolError","errmsg":"Attempt to switch database target during SASL authentication from clusterAdmin@ to @admin"}}}
first-psmdb-psmdb-db-rs0-0 mongod {"t":{"$date":"2025-01-24T13:34:36.686+00:00"},"s":"I",  "c":"ACCESS",   "id":5286202, "ctx":"conn3579","msg":"Different user name was supplied to saslSupportedMechs","attr":{"error":{"code":17,"codeName":"ProtocolError","errmsg":"Attempt to switch database target during SASL authentication from userAdmin@ to @admin"}}}
first-psmdb-psmdb-db-rs0-0 mongod {"t":{"$date":"2025-01-24T13:34:37.788+00:00"},"s":"I",  "c":"ACCESS",   "id":5286202, "ctx":"conn3584","msg":"Different user name was supplied to saslSupportedMechs","attr":{"error":{"code":17,"codeName":"ProtocolError","errmsg":"Attempt to switch database target during SASL authentication from clusterAdmin@ to @admin"}}}
first-psmdb-psmdb-db-rs0-0 mongod {"t":{"$date":"2025-01-24T13:34:37.840+00:00"},"s":"I",  "c":"ACCESS",   "id":5286202, "ctx":"conn3587","msg":"Different user name was supplied to saslSupportedMechs","attr":{"error":{"code":17,"codeName":"ProtocolError","errmsg":"Attempt to switch database target during SASL authentication from userAdmin@ to @admin"}}}

Hi @thedukedk thanks for reporting this issue, I’ll try to reproduce it.

In the meantime, you might find these TLS setup docs helpful, if you haven’t already checked them: Transport encryption (TLS/SSL) - Percona Operator for MongoDB

Also, I noticed in your message there might be a typo in the configuration. Please make sure you’re using allowInvalidCertificates and not tls.allowInvalidCertificates.

I’ll get back to you once I have more information.

Hi @Julio_Pasinatto

Many thanks. Been struggling quite a bit to get this running with TLS enabled.

We really need internal and external TLS enabled using our CA. We do not want the data encrypted at rest.

Generating the certs before deploying the psmdb-db with the helm chart seems to work, when tls.mode is either perferTLS or allowTLS, with the below configuration.

  mode: allowTLS # OR perferTLS
  allowInvalidCertificates: false
    name: step-cluster-issuer
    kind: StepClusterIssuer
  ssl: first-psmdb-ssl-external
  sslInternal: first-psmdb-ssl-internal
  encryptionKey: first-psmdb-psmdb-db-mongodb-encryption-key
  keyFile: first-psmdb-psmdb-db-mongodb-keyfile
  users: internal-first-psmdb-psmdb-db-users

But I see these errors in the logs.

mongod {"t":{"$date":"2025-01-29T11:46:24.955+00:00"},"s":"I",  "c":"ACCESS",   "id":5286202, "ctx":"conn427","msg":"Different user name was supplied to saslSupportedMechs","attr":{"error":{"code":17,"codeName":"ProtocolError","errmsg":"Attempt to switch database target during SASL authentication from clusterAdmin@ to @admin"}}} 

Setting the tls.mode to requireTLS does not work at all unless i set allowInvalidCertificates to true.