Hi everyone,
According to this : [url]https://www.percona.com/doc/percona-xtrabackup/2.0/innobackupex/remote_backups_ibk.html[/url]
It’s possible to store backups to a remote host, without the need of NFS.
So here is my command :
innobackupex --remote-host=root@ --user=percona --password=mypassword /data/db-backup/bdd
Unknown option: remote-host
innobackupex: got a fatal error with the following stacktrace: at /usr/bin/innobackupex line 3916
main::check_args() called at /usr/bin/innobackupex line 1531
innobackupex: Error: Bad command line arguments
Damn, what am I missing ?
The remote-host option appears in the manpage, I don’t understand why this doesn’t works.
Xavier C.