SLOW incremental backup (mysql 5.7)

We running a incremental right after the full backup is completing (1hr 45 min)

innobackupex --user=${MYSQLROOT} --password=${MYSQLPASS} --extra-lsndir=${BACKUP_PATH} --compress --open-files-limit=100000 --stream=xbstream ${BACKUP_PATH}${BACKUP_DIRNAME} > ${BACKUP_PATH}${BACKUP_DIRNAME}${DATESTAMP}.xbstream

innobackupex --user=${MYSQLROOT} --password=${MYSQLPASS} --extra-lsndir=${BACKUP_PATH} --compress --open-files-limit=100000 --incremental --incremental-lsn=${lsn} --stream=xbstream ${BACKUP_PATH}${BACKUP_DIRNAME} > ${BACKUP_PATH}${BACKUP_DIRNAME}${DATESTAMP}.xbstream

Incremental Backup is also taking same time as Full backup.
Any one can help?

innobackupex version
= 2.4.24 Linux (x86_64) (revision id: b4ee263)

Mysql 5.7

Hi, in order for incremental backup to be fast you need changed page tracking option: XtraDB changed page tracking - Percona Server for MySQL
Do you have it enabled?

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Disabled currently
Tried enabling it but got error
[ERROR] unknown variable 'innodb_track_changed_pages=1'

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@_Sumit_Debnath Are you using Percona Server MySQL 5.7? This feature is specific to Percona’s MySQL

Additionally, innobackupex is dead software. Please switch to xtrabackup. All of the same functionality exists.

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I’m not sure what is your question.
I have a mysql server 5.7 which is 3 years old. And we are setting up percona for backup (POC)

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Ok I will switch. And update

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Here are the commands we use in our training class

$ mkdir /var/backups

$ FULLBACKUP=/var/backups/fullbase
$ xtrabackup --backup --parallel 4 --target-dir $FULLBACKUP

$ INCBACKUP=/var/backups/inc1
$ xtrabackup --backup --parallel 4 \
    --target-dir $INCBACKUP \
    --incremental-basedir $FULLBACKUP
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I have modified my script to use xtrabackup but the incremental backup is taking 42 min while the full backup time was around 45 min.

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Can you please provide the updated commands you are using? Did you add --incremental-basedir to your script?

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No I didn’t,I used --incremental-lsn. Because we remove the backup fron the directory after copying it to s3.
${PERCONA_BACKUP_COMMAND} --backup --user=${MYSQLROOT} --password=${MYSQLPASS} --parallel 4 --target-dir=${BACKUP_PATH}${BACKUP_DIRNAME} --compress --compress-threads=4 --open-files-limit=100000 --incremental-lsn=${lsn}

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Please re-read my previous message and check the parameter names.

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still same issue incremental backup is taking 45 min. (2gb incremental backup)

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If your incremental and full are the same size, that means you are doing the incremental wrong and you need to reexamine my two previous examples and compare to your script.

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My incremental backup is of 2 GB and full backup is of 19 GB

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Sounds like it’s working then. Have you monitored your CPU and disk utilization during the incremental process?

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CPU and Memory are under 30% each. I want to share the logs privately how can i do that

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Sumit, please review my previous comment. In order for incremental backups to be fast, you need changed page tracking option which is only available in Percona Server for MySQL.

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Are you backing up to local disk or to some mount point on a shared server?

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Ok so if wana use percona server do i have to replace the existing Mysql 5.7 server.
and if yes then how can i restore all my database and users.

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Hi, you can simply stop the mysql server and replace the packages with Percona’s then start back. If you use the same version, then it is a drop-in replacement.

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