Search string in columns using multiple LIKE

Hello to everybody,
I use a form which sends (using PHP) a string $q to a MySQL query, in order to search if this string exists in one of two columns (col1, col2) of my DB table :

SELECT col1, col2 FROM table WHERE (col1 LIKE ‘%$q%’ OR col2 LIKE ‘%$q%’)
This query seems to work, but I would like to know (if the query has a result) in which column the string $q was found in (col1 or col2)?

How can I figure it out?

Thanks in advance!

This may help:
SELECT col1, col2, ‘1’ as whichcol FROM table WHERE col1 LIKE ‘%q%’
SELECT col1, col2, ‘2’ as whichcol FROM table WHERE col2 LIKE ‘%q%’

Corbin Creative Databases, LLC,