Reset all nodes in pxc

Hi there
How do i reset the pxc 8.0.21 all nodes …?


Hi @AneeshBabu - thank you for posting!
I am not clear on what you mean by resetting - this could be either re-forming your cluster into a PRIMARY state, or conversely elect one node to be the DONOR and perform SST to the other nodes.

PXC requires that your cluster have quorum, which means more than half the node count to be up and communicating with each other. The most common deployment for PXC is a 3 node cluster, so for quorum you need at least 2 nodes up. Assuming your cluster is up right now, you will want to gracefully shut down 1 node at a time until only one is remaining. This will be the server that forms the PRIMARY state. You will then bring up one server at a time, which will elect to do either IST or SST, and will join the cluster. I encourage you to do tail -f error.log on each server so you can watch the flow of events as nodes join the cluster and form the PRIMARY component.

Should you want to force all servers to have the same dataset, you can again stop all but one node gracefully, and then delete their data directory contents. Then start them up one at a time, and each JOINER node will elect to to SST and thus they will get a full copy of the dataset from the DONOR node.

Please let us know if this helps, as I wasn’t sure the full intent of your question

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Hi @Michael_Coburn
I mean ,would like to configure pxc right from the beginning.


Ok! Have you been through our Installation guide?

We also provide a Quick Start Guide for PXC that walks you through the installation through to all nodes being up and running:

If you’re hitting an issue with this guide or your own deployment, please don’t hesitate to share details including log events and we’d be happy to assist!

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Hi @Michael_Coburn
I already configured ,i would like to collapse all the settings and configurations i have made,and start reconfiguring from the beginning again.
Let me know is there any solution.


Hi @AneeshBabu - I am sorry I am still unclear as to your goal. At this point if you have followed the instructions and have deployed a PXC cluster, you can choose to delete the datadir and my.cnf files which will basically remove all PXC data from your servers. Then you can begin again to start reconfiguring from the beginning.

Perhaps if you can show an error you encountered and would like to resolve, or the eventual goal i.e. I have corrupted my configs and want to start over, I could then help you with specific information.

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