I am new to this forum.
Can any one help me in the following scenarios:
I have a master to slave setup of mysql running on windows
Replication breaks every now and then.
Every time we are configuring it with taking backup of master [with locking], then transferring to slave, restore and reset slave which will infer downtime and doing it during late night hours.
Please let me know is there any way re-configure the replication in case of a failure without restarting and locking the master server database [i mean without any downtime]
Any help is highly appreciated.
MySQL version is 5.5 community and not enterprise one.
So, is it possible to connect to mysql server on windows with the tool running on seperate linux machine? Also, please let me know about the cost for the same?
Yes, its possible to connect to MySQL server on windows from the Linux machine where pt-table-* utilities installed. Percona Toolkit is free and open-source. You don’t need to pay anything for that. You can simply download it and run it. Thanks.