Questions of upgrade pmm-server by docker image

Hi all,

Per page, Upgrade
I upgrade pmm-server from 2.19 to 2.23.

In summary section, it says upgrade includes four steps: stop container; backup container and data; pull the latest image; and run.

However, in the detail section, after " Run it", it shows “Performa a restore”. In which case, I have to restore after upgrade? I know a little about docker, but I see the mertrics looks okay after upgrade to 2.23. I’m not sure which are missing. Could you please advise?
===============>UPD: The previous metrics were lost … It looks like my upgrade had a problem. So, how to recover metrics after docker image is upgrade?

And one more question, Step 3 “Run it”. Does the operation missing a “-p 80:80”? I tried this and couldn’t access PMM website. Then, I removed the docker container and rerun with “-p 80:80”, it’s okay.

BTW: I created PMM dockers by the following commands:
docker create -v /srv --name pmm-data percona/pmm-server:2.19.0 /bin/true
docker run -d -p 80:80 -p 443:443 --volumes-from pmm-data --name pmm-server --restart always percona/pmm-server:2.19.0

[root@]# docker image ls
REPOSITORY           TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
percona/pmm-server   2                   b031ff61b727        2 weeks ago         1.91GB
percona/pmm-server   2.23.0              b031ff61b727        2 weeks ago         1.91GB
percona/pmm-server   2.19.0              82d29be43d66        4 months ago        1.88GB


Hi Dillon,

Could you provide an output of the next command?

docker ps -a

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Hi adivinho,

Thank you for advise again.

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It looks ok.

I tried to reproduce the issue but 2.19.0 data is shown correct on new pmm-server 2.23.0

Could you check VM logs?
docker exec -it pmm-server grep "opened storage" /srv/logs/victoriametrics.log

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I’ll post the log message later.

But, I don’t believe this is a bug for upgrade. I’m not sure whether this cause the problem:
In document, it create pmm-data by

docker create -v /srv --name pmm-data percona/pmm-server:2 /bin/true

However, I use this:

docker create -v /srv --name pmm-data percona/pmm-server:2.19.0 /bin/true

Will this “tag” cause the problem?


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Tag 2 is equal to the latest version. So it was 2.19.0 at the time of creating the container.

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Hi adivinho,

This is the result.

docker exec -it pmm-server grep “opened storage” /srv/logs/victoriametrics.log

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It looks like logs have been already rotated.
Please try to check rotated logs.

docker exec -it pmm-server grep "opened storage" /srv/logs/victoriametrics.log.1
docker exec -it pmm-server grep "opened storage" /srv/logs/victoriametrics.log.2
docker exec -it pmm-server grep "opened storage" /srv/logs/victoriametrics.log.3
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Yes. It have been rotated.
Please see screenshot.

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So VM pulled all old metrics after the migration. It had more than 5 millions of rows.
But after pmm-server restart all such data were cleaned up.

Please take a look at my installation screenshot. VM data are constantly increasing.

Maybe you could find out the reason of such behaviour in VM logs.

docker exec -it pmm-server less /srv/logs/victoriametrics.log.3

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Unfortunately, victoriametrics.log.3 was rotated and overwrote.

I tried to reproduct this problem but failed:

  1. stop pmm-server docker container for 2.23.
  2. remove pmm-server docker by “docker container rm container-id”
  3. run a new docker by “docker run --detach --restart always -p 80:80 -p 443:443 --volumes-from pmm-data --name pmm-server percona/pmm-server:2.23.0”
  4. the data still shows in the new PMM webUI.

May this was a mistake when I upgrade 2.19 to 2.23. I’ll check again and try to upgrade 2.23 against prod.

Thanks for advise.


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Hi adivinho,

Thank for advise above. I tried to upgrade on prod environment. The data is okay.

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