Question: What would be the best block size for MySQL?


What would be the best file system and block size for MySQL 8?

I know that the default block size for Ubuntu is 4096.

Another question, I tried to format Ubuntu with another block but it was not possible, would I have to compile the kernel?

Which operating system is most recommended for MySQL?

Hi @CharlesR,
The InnoDB engine within MySQL uses 16K page sizes. I’ve been using MySQL since 2008, and I’ve never seen anyone modify their filesystem to match that. InnoDB supports modifying its own page size to 4K to match the filesystem, but the gains you get from that are extremely small with todays modern SSDs and filesystems.

In the long run, the OS hardly matters. You won’t see night/day performance differences between running MySQL on RedHat vs Debian vs macOS vs CentOS vs Alma vs Rocky vs etc… I would say that most of Percona’s customers (or at least all the ones I deal with) run Ubuntu.

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