I am running the same query on the same hostgroup and getting a different number in rows_sent. They should be the same. Direct query on the database returns 22 rows. Query is shortened, but it is the same.
“client”: “”,
“digest”: “0xB42FB28B1E283AFE”,
“duration_us”: 1510,
“endtime”: “2021-04-15 14:31:28.709285”,
“endtime_timestamp_us”: 1618497088709285,
“event”: “COM_QUERY”,
“hostgroup_id”: 10,
“query”: "select p.* from db1.api_permissions p INNER JOIN db1.api_systems s ON(s.id = p.api_key_id) WHERE s.apikey …
“rows_affected”: 0,
“rows_sent”: 22,
“schemaname”: “information_schema”,
“server”: “db1-aws:3306”,
“starttime”: “2021-04-15 14:31:28.707775”,
“starttime_timestamp_us”: 1618497088707775,
“thread_id”: 17383674,
“username”: “oauth”
“client”: “”,
“digest”: “0xB42FB28B1E283AFE”,
“duration_us”: 1419,
“endtime”: “2021-04-15 14:31:29.703582”,
“endtime_timestamp_us”: 1618497089703582,
“event”: “COM_QUERY”,
“hostgroup_id”: 10,
“query”: "select p.* from db1.api_permissions p INNER JOIN db1.api_systems s ON(s.id = p.api_key_id) WHERE s.apikey …
“rows_affected”: 0,
“rows_sent”: 12,
“schemaname”: “information_schema”,
“server”: “db1-aws:3306”,
“starttime”: “2021-04-15 14:31:29.702163”,
“starttime_timestamp_us”: 1618497089702163,
“thread_id”: 17390171,
“username”: “oauth”