I upgrade my PXC in 5.5.28 but I have a problem with wsrep_cluster_address variable for multiple addresses in the first node.
With wsrep-url, my values was :
wsrep_url = gcomm://ip_node2:4567,gcomm://ip_node3:4567,gcom://
How can I apply this values with wsrep_cluster_address.
At the moment I put like this :
wsrep_cluster_address = gcomm://,ip_node2:4567,ip_node3:4567.
The problem is if I restart the first node is in like a split brain, the wsrep_cluster_size’s equal to 1 instead to 3. And the others nodes are equal to 2.
Thanks for your help but my cluster is in service for a long time.
I’m afraid if I stop all nodes and I want restart first node it doesn’t work with your second config modification
How can I obtain like this wsrep_urls= gcomm://,gcomm://,gcomm: // but with wsrep_cluster_address variable
have you find a solution for my problem, because my first node is crashed impossible to start it.
So it’s impossible to start PXC on my 2 and 3 node.
With this upgrade I lose my HA availability because multiple adress function doesn’t work