pt-archiver gets stopped everytime the souce table receieves DMLs

Hi Percona Team
 Actually i need to know if pt-archiver can wait if the source tables have any queries running on it and then once the DMLs are complete on source table, will it resume the process ahead from same position or will it start new?
pt-archiver --source h=,P=3306,D=,t=tbl1,u=**,p=******** --where "LAST_UPD_DT > ‘2018-06-02’ " --dest h=,P=3306,u=,p=,D=*****,t=tbl2–limit=50000 --ignore --progress 100000 --no-delete --max-lag=300s --sleep=1 --statistics

So, here if tbl1 has some bulk DMLs running on it for few hours then will it wait until those transactions are complete or will it come out?

For my case it failed because i have not used retries.

Also, if I use retries then at what intervals it retries? After the DMLs on source tables are complete then will it start copying from the position from where it was stopped or will it start copying from the start?

Also even if putting thousand retries does not help then running pt-archiver again will start copying from the start or it will start from the last failed state. 



Could you please clarify what are you trying to achieve and what’s the error you are receiving?
It would be awesome if you can provide a way to reproduce the issue.Regards