Proper way to clean up old PITR and snapshots that are no longer compatible?

The old snapshots and PITR below do not go away as you can see, though they do show up in status. Is there any good way to clean these other than manual S3 deletion on the backend?

Would be nice to see a ‘–force-delete-incompatible’ flag on the delete-backup/delete-pitr command to do this.

root@xxxxxxxxxxx:~# pbm delete-backup -f --older-than "$cutoff"
Waiting for delete to be done ...[done]
Backup snapshots:
  2022-06-24T17:04:06Z <logical> [complete: 2022-06-24T17:10:33Z]
  2022-06-26T00:18:45Z <logical> [complete: 2022-06-26T00:24:08Z]
  2022-06-26T07:00:01Z <logical> [complete: 2022-06-26T07:06:34Z]
  2022-06-27T07:00:01Z <logical> [complete: 2022-06-27T07:05:47Z]
  2022-06-28T07:00:01Z <logical> [complete: 2022-06-28T07:06:08Z]
  2022-06-29T07:00:01Z <logical> [complete: 2022-06-29T07:04:58Z]
  2022-06-30T07:00:02Z <logical> [complete: 2022-06-30T07:06:08Z]
  2022-07-01T07:00:01Z <logical> [complete: 2022-07-01T07:05:48Z]
  2022-07-02T07:00:01Z <logical> [complete: 2022-07-02T07:06:40Z]
  2022-07-03T07:00:01Z <logical> [complete: 2022-07-03T07:05:50Z]
  2022-07-04T07:00:01Z <logical> [complete: 2022-07-04T07:05:11Z]
  2022-07-05T07:00:01Z <logical> [complete: 2022-07-05T07:07:11Z]
  2022-07-06T07:00:01Z <logical> [complete: 2022-07-06T07:06:29Z]
  2022-07-07T07:00:01Z <logical> [complete: 2022-07-07T07:11:28Z]
  2022-07-08T07:00:01Z <logical> [complete: 2022-07-08T07:05:21Z]

PITR <on>:
  2022-06-24T17:10:34Z - 2022-07-10T17:39:52Z
S3 us-east-1 s3://
    2022-07-08T07:00:01Z 4.13GB <logical> [complete: 2022-07-08T07:05:21Z]
    2022-07-07T07:00:01Z 4.13GB <logical> [complete: 2022-07-07T07:11:28Z]
    2022-07-06T07:00:01Z 4.11GB <logical> [complete: 2022-07-06T07:06:29Z]
    2022-07-05T07:00:01Z 4.13GB <logical> [complete: 2022-07-05T07:07:11Z]
    2022-07-04T07:00:01Z 4.13GB <logical> [complete: 2022-07-04T07:05:11Z]
    2022-07-03T07:00:01Z 4.13GB <logical> [complete: 2022-07-03T07:05:50Z]
    2022-07-02T07:00:01Z 4.13GB <logical> [complete: 2022-07-02T07:06:40Z]
    2022-07-01T07:00:01Z 4.12GB <logical> [complete: 2022-07-01T07:05:48Z]
    2022-06-30T07:00:02Z 4.11GB <logical> [complete: 2022-06-30T07:06:08Z]
    2022-06-29T07:00:01Z 4.11GB <logical> [complete: 2022-06-29T07:04:58Z]
    2022-06-28T07:00:01Z 4.08GB <logical> [complete: 2022-06-28T07:06:08Z]
    2022-06-27T07:00:01Z 4.07GB <logical> [complete: 2022-06-27T07:05:47Z]
    2022-06-26T07:00:01Z 4.04GB <logical> [complete: 2022-06-26T07:06:34Z]
    2022-06-26T00:18:45Z 4.04GB <logical> [complete: 2022-06-26T00:24:08Z]
    2022-06-24T17:04:06Z 4.24GB <logical> [complete: 2022-06-24T17:10:33Z]
    2022-05-27T07:00:01Z 2.23GB <logical> [incompatible: backup version (v1.4.1) is not compatible with PBM v1.8.0] [2022-05-27T07:03:01Z]
    2022-05-27T01:42:46Z 2.23GB <logical> [incompatible: backup version (v1.4.1) is not compatible with PBM v1.8.0] [2022-05-27T01:45:55Z]
    2022-05-26T07:00:01Z 2.23GB <logical> [incompatible: backup version (v1.4.1) is not compatible with PBM v1.8.0] [2022-05-26T07:03:08Z]
    2022-05-25T07:00:01Z 2.23GB <logical> [incompatible: backup version (v1.4.1) is not compatible with PBM v1.8.0] [2022-05-25T07:03:35Z]
    2022-05-24T07:00:01Z 2.23GB <logical> [incompatible: backup version (v1.4.1) is not compatible with PBM v1.8.0] [2022-05-24T07:03:34Z]
    2022-05-23T07:00:01Z 2.23GB <logical> [incompatible: backup version (v1.4.1) is not compatible with PBM v1.8.0] [2022-05-23T07:03:38Z]
    2022-05-22T07:00:01Z 2.23GB <logical> [incompatible: backup version (v1.4.1) is not compatible with PBM v1.8.0] [2022-05-22T07:03:45Z]
    2022-05-21T07:00:01Z 2.23GB <logical> [incompatible: backup version (v1.4.1) is not compatible with PBM v1.8.0] [2022-05-21T07:05:19Z]
    2022-05-20T07:00:01Z 2.22GB <logical> [incompatible: backup version (v1.4.1) is not compatible with PBM v1.8.0] [2022-05-20T07:03:39Z]
    2022-05-19T07:00:01Z 2.22GB <logical> [incompatible: backup version (v1.4.1) is not compatible with PBM v1.8.0] [2022-05-19T07:03:10Z]
    2022-05-18T07:00:01Z 2.22GB <logical> [incompatible: backup version (v1.4.1) is not compatible with PBM v1.8.0] [2022-05-18T07:06:14Z]
    2022-05-17T07:00:01Z 2.15GB <logical> [incompatible: backup version (v1.4.1) is not compatible with PBM v1.8.0] [2022-05-17T07:03:15Z]
    2022-05-16T07:00:01Z 2.13GB <logical> [incompatible: backup version (v1.4.1) is not compatible with PBM v1.8.0] [2022-05-16T07:03:33Z]
    2022-05-15T07:00:01Z 2.13GB <logical> [incompatible: backup version (v1.4.1) is not compatible with PBM v1.8.0] [2022-05-15T07:03:21Z]
    2022-05-14T07:00:01Z 2.14GB <logical> [incompatible: backup version (v1.4.1) is not compatible with PBM v1.8.0] [2022-05-14T07:03:26Z]
    2022-05-13T07:00:01Z 2.14GB <logical> [incompatible: backup version (v1.4.1) is not compatible with PBM v1.8.0] [2022-05-13T07:02:52Z]
  PITR chunks [5.83GB]:
    2022-06-24T17:10:34Z - 2022-07-10T17:39:52Z
    2022-06-24T17:10:33Z - 2022-06-24T17:10:33Z (no base snapshot)
    2022-05-27T07:03:01Z - 2022-05-28T01:13:09Z (no base snapshot)
    2022-05-27T01:45:55Z - 2022-05-27T07:00:21Z (no base snapshot)
    2022-05-26T07:03:08Z - 2022-05-27T01:43:05Z (no base snapshot)
    2022-05-25T07:03:35Z - 2022-05-26T07:00:20Z (no base snapshot)
    2022-05-24T07:03:34Z - 2022-05-25T07:00:21Z (no base snapshot)
    2022-05-23T07:03:38Z - 2022-05-24T07:00:21Z (no base snapshot)
    2022-05-22T07:03:45Z - 2022-05-23T07:00:21Z (no base snapshot)
    2022-05-21T07:05:19Z - 2022-05-22T07:00:22Z (no base snapshot)
    2022-05-20T07:03:39Z - 2022-05-21T07:00:21Z (no base snapshot)
    2022-05-19T07:03:10Z - 2022-05-20T07:00:21Z (no base snapshot)
    2022-05-18T07:06:14Z - 2022-05-19T07:00:20Z (no base snapshot)
    2022-05-17T07:03:15Z - 2022-05-18T07:00:21Z (no base snapshot)
    2022-05-16T07:03:33Z - 2022-05-17T07:00:21Z (no base snapshot)
    2022-05-15T07:03:21Z - 2022-05-16T07:00:21Z (no base snapshot)
    2022-05-14T07:03:26Z - 2022-05-15T07:00:21Z (no base snapshot)
    2022-05-13T07:02:52Z - 2022-05-14T07:00:20Z (no base snapshot)

Any input from anyone on this?