Hi everyone, I am having an issue with percona mongodb server replicaset, deployed by percona mongo operator. The provisoning completed but it looks like the primary pod constantly restarts.
kubectl get po
my-cluster-name-rs0-0 0/1 CrashLoopBackOff 13 57m
my-cluster-name-rs0-1 1/1 Running 0 56m
my-cluster-name-rs0-2 1/1 Running 0 56m
percona-server-mongodb-operator-7ff49bcf85-vvv7l 1/1 Running 0 59m
The pod’s logs are full of this:
{"t":{"$date":"2021-07-09T14:49:35.801+00:00"},"s":"I", "c":"REPL_HB", "id":23974, "ctx":"ReplCoord-27","msg":"Heartbeat failed after max retries","attr":{"target":"x.x.x.x:27017","maxHeartbeatRetries":2,"error":{"code":93,"codeName":"InvalidReplicaSetConfig","errmsg":"replica set IDs do not match, ours: 60e85504878f18f4cc284693; remote node's: 60e855651d196b68b3d5a990"}}}
I also see some failed liveness probe on
Warning Unhealthy 59m kubelet Liveness probe failed: {"level":"info","msg":"Running Kubernetes liveness check for mongod","time":"2021-07-09T13:55:05Z"}
{"level":"error","msg":"replSetGetStatus returned error command replSetGetStatus requires authentication","time":"2021-07-09T13:55:05Z"}
I follow the standard deployment found on Install Percona server for MongoDB on Kubernetes. I ran it on a GKE cluster. Hope someone can help me out, thanks.