pmm-client initContainer is failing with exit code 3

Hi guys!I’m trying to setup PMM based monitoring for perconaservermongodb kubernetes operator.Server part with percona/pmm-server Helm chart is OK.But clients are not. I’m setting them with following definition in perconaservermongodbs CR:

enabled: true
image: percona/percona-server-mongodb-operator:1.4.0-pmm
serverHost: pmm-service.psmdb
serverUser: admin

I have also updated “my-cluster-name-secrets” secret to have proper usernames/passwords.pmm-client initContainer is always failing with exitcode 3:
- containerID: docker://baf2ea49ad054eed8972cd65d31437ae248b22d8beb55adf00f6ed13d3452db8
  image: percona/percona-server-mongodb-operator:1.4.0-pmm
  imageID: docker-pullable://percona/percona-server-mongodb-operator@sha256:bf0cdfd9f9971964cb720a92e99da1a75367cf6a07deec9367ca6b80e78b0f89
      containerID: docker://f276c66f0a47d8ce6f626645ffb3255fc03926f961d82de399282972f1af6fd3
      exitCode: 3
      finishedAt: “2020-07-15T11:11:34Z”
      reason: Error
      startedAt: “2020-07-15T11:11:24Z”

Logs are also not so informative:

+ main<br>+ '[' -z pmm-service.psmdb ']'<br>+ ARGS+="--server-password=PMM_PASSWORD"<br>++ sed -e 's/).*//; s/.*(//'<br>++ grep PING<br>++ ping -c 1 pmm-service.psmdb<br>+ PMM_SERVER_IP=<br>++ ip route get<br>++ grep 'src '<br>++ sed -e 's/.* src //; s/ .*//'<br>+ SRC_ADDR=<br>+ CLIENT_NAME=dev-core-rs0-2<br>

At least according to this logs we can see that pmm-server k8s service is resolved properly and reachable.Then I checked pmm-client docker image and I’m pretty sure that error with exitcode 3 happens on that part of main() function:

<br>{ set +x; } 2&gt; /dev/null<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; SERVER_RESPONSE_CODE=$(curl -k -s -o /dev/null -w "%{http_code}" "https://${PMM_USER}:$(urlencode ${PMM_PASSWORD})@${PMM_SERVER}/v1/readyz")<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; set -x

Because in log we can see succesfull assignment of CLIENT_NAME variable, but pmm2_start() function hasn’t started yet, as we dont see echo output from its begining.
The strange thing is that those command works fine when I run it from another shell pod:

[root@shell /]# echo ${PMM_USER}<br>admin<br>[root@shell /]# echo ${PMM_SERVER}<br>pmm-service.psmdb<br>[root@shell /]# curl -k -s -o /dev/null -w "%{http_code}" "https://${PMM_USER}:$(urlencode ${PMM_PASSWORD})@${PMM_SERVER}/v1/readyz"<br>200[root@shell /]# echo $?<br>0<br>[root@shell /]#

I am not sure where to go next… Maybe somebody has faced something similar before or may advice some ideas for further troubleshoot?
Thank you!

Logs were not formatted properly here, please see my question here:pmm-client initContainer fails to start with exitcode 3 - PMM 2.x - Percona Community Forum