pmm-admin command does not enable textfile collector


According to the Blog here [url][/url]
i tried to enable the textfile collector but for some reason log does not show textfile collector enabled.

Here is the command i tried

pmm-admin stop linux:metrics
OK, stopped linux:metrics service for
pmm-admin remove linux:metrics
OK, removed system from monitoring.
pmm-admin add linux:metrics – --collectors.enabled=diskstats,filefd,filesystem,loadavg,meminfo,netdev,netstat,stat,time,uname,vmstat,textfile“/tmp”
OK, now monitoring this system.

but when i look at logs , i do not see textfile is enabled

cat /var/log/pmm-linux-metrics-42000.log
time=“2018-10-18T13:16:08-07:00” level=info msg=“Starting node_exporter (version=, branch=, revision=)” source=“node_exporter.go:142”
time=“2018-10-18T13:16:08-07:00” level=info msg=“Build context (go=go1.10.1, user=, date=)” source=“node_exporter.go:143”
time=“2018-10-18T13:16:08-07:00” level=info msg=“Enabled collectors:” source=“node_exporter.go:162”
time=“2018-10-18T13:16:08-07:00” level=info msg=" - filefd" source=“node_exporter.go:164”
time=“2018-10-18T13:16:08-07:00” level=info msg=" - netstat" source=“node_exporter.go:164”
time=“2018-10-18T13:16:08-07:00” level=info msg=" - stat" source=“node_exporter.go:164”
time=“2018-10-18T13:16:08-07:00” level=info msg=" - time" source=“node_exporter.go:164”
time=“2018-10-18T13:16:08-07:00” level=info msg=" - uname" source=“node_exporter.go:164”
time=“2018-10-18T13:16:08-07:00” level=info msg=" - vmstat" source=“node_exporter.go:164”
time=“2018-10-18T13:16:08-07:00” level=info msg=" - diskstats" source=“node_exporter.go:164”
time=“2018-10-18T13:16:08-07:00” level=info msg=" - filesystem" source=“node_exporter.go:164”
time=“2018-10-18T13:16:08-07:00” level=info msg=" - loadavg" source=“node_exporter.go:164”
time=“2018-10-18T13:16:08-07:00” level=info msg=" - meminfo" source=“node_exporter.go:164”
time=“2018-10-18T13:16:08-07:00” level=info msg=" - netdev" source=“node_exporter.go:164”
time=“2018-10-18T13:16:08-07:00” level=info msg=" - meminfo_numa" source=“node_exporter.go:164”
time=“2018-10-18T13:16:08-07:00” level=info msg=“Starting HTTPS server for [URL][/URL] …” source=“server.go:106”

pmm-admin --version

Can somebody help on this ? is this a bug or i am missing something.

I think . its a bug because executing the node_exporter directly ( not from pmm-admin ) with textfile collector is working.

Hi there, thanks for this. I wonder if you’d be able to report this to the team directly using JIRA please? See here in this post [url][/url] towards the end on how to report a bug.

We’d be really grateful if you could do that. Thanks!

Hi vvsaxena

We’re going to be enabling the collector by default. Try once we release 1.16 (expected Oct 31)

[url][PMM-2888] Enable Textfile Collector by Default in node_exporter - Percona JIRA

Thanks Michael for the update. As a workaround for current versions in PMM , i was able to start node_exporter ( binary sitting in pmm packages) directly ( not from pmm-admin ) with required parameters and it worked.

That’s a good sign then. Thanks for confirming. BTW release is now going out Nov 1