PMM 2.22.0 in k8s

@Michael_Coburn I can not upload zip file, so all *.log files from the server just when issue happened.

@steve.hoffman I am using persistance storage for my POD and ingress + traefik. So restart pod/update server version etc doesn’t make any problem. I can share my helm chart with Percona team and community if it can help.
Also in /etc/nginx/conf.d/pmm.conf I made some change to make prometheus port 9090 available for external client like own Grafana. External access to PMM prometheus in pmm 2.10.1

alertmanager.log (1.1 KB)
clickhouse-server.log (6.7 KB)
dashboard-upgrade.log (137 Bytes)
grafana.log (180.6 KB)
nginx.log (146.3 KB)
pmm-agent.log (195.6 KB)
pmm-managed.log (188.9 KB)
pmm-version.txt (150 Bytes)
postgresql.log (1.4 KB)
qan-api2.log (145.2 KB)
supervisorctl_status.log (1.0 KB)
supervisord.log (4.7 KB)
systemctl_status.log (71 Bytes)
victoriametrics.log (1 MB)
vmalert.log (13.5 KB)

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