pmm 1.17.1 qan bug

the system activity dashboard use $host variable.(see pic)
but our mysql:metrics name is not same as linux:metrics name and it is not $host
It seems that pmm have not considered the scenario of multiple instances.
we use the ip of the linux:metrics name, and use ip_port as the mysql:metrics name

  • name: Adding MySQL services to monitoring
    shell: >
    if ! pmm-admin list | grep {{ item | quote }} | {{ pmm_client_db[‘mysql’][‘socket’] | quote }} ; then
    pmm-admin add {{ item | quote }}
    –user {{ pmm_client_db[‘mysql’][‘username’] | quote }}
    –password {{ pmm_client_db[‘mysql’][‘password’] | quote }}
    –socket {{ pmm_client_db[‘mysql’][‘socket’] | quote }}
    –disable-tablestats {{ ansible_em2[‘ipv4’][‘address’] }}_{{ pmm_client_db[‘mysql’][‘port’] }} ; fi
    no_log: True
    when: (‘mysql’ in item)
    with_items: “{{ pmm_client_add_services }}”

pmm-admin list

pmm-admin 1.17.1

PMM Server | 192.168.x.143:8080 (password-protected)
Client Name | 192.168.x.180
Client Address | 192.168.x.180
Service Manager | linux-systemd


mysql:queries 192.168.x.180_3306 - YES pmm:@unix(/data/mysql_3306/tmp/mysql.sock) query_source=slowlog, query_examples=true, slow_log_rotation=true, retain_slow_logs=1
mysql:queries 192.168.x.180_3307 - YES pmm:
@unix(/data/mysql_3307/tmp/mysql.sock) query_source=slowlog, query_examples=true, slow_log_rotation=true, retain_slow_logs=1
mysql:queries 192.168.x.180_3308 - YES pmm:@unix(/data/mysql_3308/tmp/mysql.sock) query_source=slowlog, query_examples=true, slow_log_rotation=true, retain_slow_logs=1
linux:metrics 192.168.x.180 42000 YES -
mysql:metrics 192.168.x.180_3308 42002 YES pmm:
@unix(/data/mysql_3308/tmp/mysql.sock) tablestats=OFF
mysql:metrics 192.168.x.180_3307 42003 YES pmm:@unix(/data/mysql_3307/tmp/mysql.sock) tablestats=OFF
mysql:metrics 192.168.x.180_3306 42004 YES pmm:
@unix(/data/mysql_3306/tmp/mysql.sock) tablestats=OFF

I manually add a variable $server
SELECT SUBSTRING_INDEX (name,‘_’,1) as name FROM pmm.instances WHERE subsystem_id IN (3, 4) AND (deleted IS NULL OR deleted < ‘1971-01-01 00:00:01’) and name=“$host”;