Pitr backup having error with kubernetes v1.28

[root@k8s-master-prod mysql]# kubectl logs -f cluster1-pitr-64dd8b9b4-nm7b6
Defaulted container “pitr” out of: pitr, pitr-init (init)
2024/12/12 03:01:41 run binlog collector
2024/12/12 03:01:42 ERROR: get binlog time get binlog list for host cluster1-pxc-0.cluster1-pxc.default.svc.cluster.local: scan binlogs: sql: expected 2 destination arguments in Scan, not 3
2024/12/12 03:01:42 ERROR: get binlog time get binlog list for host cluster1-pxc-1.cluster1-pxc.default.svc.cluster.local: scan binlogs: sql: expected 2 destination arguments in Scan, not 3
2024/12/12 03:01:42 ERROR: get binlog time get binlog list for host cluster1-pxc-2.cluster1-pxc.default.svc.cluster.local: scan binlogs: sql: expected 2 destination arguments in Scan, not 3
2024/12/12 03:01:42 ERROR: get binlog time get binlog list for host cluster1-pxc-3.cluster1-pxc.default.svc.cluster.local: scan binlogs: sql: expected 2 destination arguments in Scan, not 3
2024/12/12 03:01:42 ERROR: new db connection: get host: can’t find host

Last Transition Time:  2024-12-12T02:48:30Z
Message:               update binlog collector deployment 'cluster1-pitr': resource name may not be empty
Reason:                ErrorReconcile
Status:                True
Type:                  error
Last Transition Time:  2024-12-12T02:48:36Z
Status:                True
Type:                  ready
Last Transition Time:  2024-12-12T02:48:39Z
Message:               check binlog gaps in pod cluster1-pitr-64dd8b9b4-sw5dg: unable to upgrade connection: container not found ("pitr")
Reason:                ErrorReconcile
Status:                True
Type:                  error

Label Selector Path: app.kubernetes.io/component=haproxy,app.kubernetes.io/instance=cluster1,app.kubernetes.io/managed-by=percona-xtradb-cluster-operator,app.kubernetes.io/name=percona-xtradb-cluster,app.kubernetes.io/part-of=percona-xtradb-cluster
Ready: 2
Size: 2
Status: ready
Host: cluster1-haproxy.default
Error: check binlog gaps in pod cluster1-pitr-64dd8b9b4-sw5dg: unable to upgrade connection: container not found (“pitr”)
Observed Generation: 23
Image: percona-xtradb-cluster-operator:main-pxc5.7
Label Selector Path: app.kubernetes.io/component=pxc,app.kubernetes.io/instance=cluster1,app.kubernetes.io/managed-by=percona-xtradb-cluster-operator,app.kubernetes.io/name=percona-xtradb-cluster,app.kubernetes.io/part-of=percona-xtradb-cluster
Ready: 4
Size: 4
Status: ready
Version: 5.7.44-48-57
Ready: 6
Size: 6
State: error

How can i do


As I can see you are running MySQL 5.7. PITR is supported in 8.0 for now as per Store binary logs for point-in-time recovery - Percona Operator for MySQL :

Point-in-time recovery is off by default and is supported by the Operator only with Percona XtraDB Cluster versions starting from 8.0.21-12.1.

An additional note: I have noticed that you are using percona-xtradb-cluster-operator:main-pxc5.7 image from perconalab repository. This image is not recommended for production usage as is our testing one and is build from main branch in development. Consider using one of Percona certified images - Percona Operator for MySQL .

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But I want to restore all data in 5.7 cluster,so just to add two more cronjob doing binlog backup and restore binlog sql is best?

But I want to restore all data in 5.7 cluster,so just to add two more cronjob doing binlog backup and restore binlog sql is best?
Mean is keep binlog want to save an safe way(other storages and so on)

Hi @kllmkadx, as @eleonora.zinchenko mentioned, the PXC operator supports PITR only for PXC 8.0. You can implement something custom for PXC 5.7, but we can’t guarantee that it will work correctly.

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I know that,just want to using other way to backup binlog for pxc 5.7,not using PITR,so do you have other good idea to backup this one man?

Also did you have good idea to backup binlog likes backup Pitr lady?