Percona announces the release of Percona XtraDB Cluster 5.7.18-29.20 on June 2, 2017. Binaries are available from the downloads section or our software repositories.
NOTE: You can also run Docker containers from the images in the Docker Hub repository.
Due to new package dependency, Ubuntu/Debian users should use apt-get dist-upgrade or apt-get installpercona-xtradb-cluster-57 to upgrade.
Percona XtraDB Cluster 5.7.18-29.20 is now the current release, based on the following:
[]Percona Server 5.7.18-15
[]Galera Replication library 3.20
[*]wsrep API version 29
All Percona software is open-source and free.
Fixed Bugs
[*]PXC-749: Fixed memory leak when running INSERT on a table without primary key defined and wsrep_certify_nonPK disabled (set to 0).
NOTE: We recommend you define primary keys on all tables for correct write-set replication.
[]PXC-812: Fixed SST script to leave the DONOR keyring when JOINER clears the datadir.
[]PXC-813: Fixed SST script to use UTC time format.
[]PXC-816: Fixed hook for caching GTID events in asynchronous replication. For more information, see #1681831.
[]PXC-820: Enabled querying of pxc_maint_mode by another client during the transition period.
[]PXC-823: Fixed SST flow to gracefully shut down JOINER node if SST fails because DONOR leaves the cluster due to network failure. This ensures that the DONOR is then able to recover to synced state when network connectivity is restored For more information, see #1684810.
[]PXC-824: Fixed graceful shutdown of Percona XtraDB Cluster node to wait until applier thread finishes.
Other Improvements
[]PXC-819: Added five new status variables to expose required values from wsrep_ist_receive_status and wsrep_flow_control_interval as numbers, rather than strings that need to be parsed:
Help us improve our software quality by reporting any bugs you encounter using our bug tracking system. As always, thanks for your continued support of Percona!