Recently, I have had some very simple update statements that take a very long time to execute, up to about 6 seconds.
update user_info SET recommend_votes_num = recommend_votes_num - 4 WHERE user_id = 4124593 AND recommend_votes_num >= 4
(user_id is primarykey)
binlog info:
at 867369173
#190708 14:46:23 server id 6163699 end_log_pos 867369252 Query thread_id=9221135 exec_time=0 error_code=0
SET TIMESTAMP=1562568383/!/;
at 867369252
#190708 14:46:23 server id 6163699 end_log_pos 867369455 Query thread_id=9221135 exec_time=0 error_code=0
SET TIMESTAMP=1562568383/!/;
update user_info SET recommend_votes_num = recommend_votes_num - 4 WHERE user_id = 4124593 AND recommend_votes_num >= 4
at 867369455
#190708 14:46:23 server id 6163699 end_log_pos 867369482 Xid = 1260093514
(both exec_itme is 0)
slow_log info:
Time: 190708 14:46:27
User@Host: db_zh_user1[db_zh_user1] @ []
Thread_id: 9221135 Schema: zongheng_user_1 Last_errno: 0 Killed: 0
Query_time: 4.202410 Lock_time: 0.000038 Rows_sent: 0 Rows_examined: 1 Rows_affected: 1 Rows_read: 1
Bytes_sent: 52 Tmp_tables: 0 Tmp_disk_tables: 0 Tmp_table_sizes: 0
Profile_starting: 0.000026 Profile_starting_cpu: 0.000026 Profile_checking_permissions: 0.000003 Profile_checking_permissions_cpu: 0.000003 Profile_Opening_tables: 0.000008 Profile_Ope
ning_tables_cpu: 0.000009 Profile_System_lock: 0.000009 Profile_System_lock_cpu: 0.000009 Profile_init: 0.000060 Profile_init_cpu: 0.000061 Profile_Updating: 0.000096 Profile_Updating_cp
u: 0.000095 Profile_end: 0.000003 Profile_end_cpu: 0.000003 Profile_Waiting_for_query_cache_lock: 0.000002 Profile_Waiting_for_query_cache_lock_cpu: 0.000002 Profile_end: 0.000012 Profil
e_end_cpu: 0.000012 Profile_query_end: 4.202146 Profile_query_end_cpu: 0.000069 Profile_closing_tables: 0.000021 Profile_closing_tables_cpu: 0.000020 Profile_freeing_items: 0.000028 Prof
ile_freeing_items_cpu: 0.000028 Profile_logging_slow_query: 0.000003 Profile_logging_slow_query_cpu: 0.000002
Profile_total: 4.202417 Profile_total_cpu: 0.000337
InnoDB_trx_id: 2912B40F
QC_Hit: No Full_scan: No Full_join: No Tmp_table: No Tmp_table_on_disk: No
Filesort: No Filesort_on_disk: No Merge_passes: 0
InnoDB_IO_r_ops: 0 InnoDB_IO_r_bytes: 0 InnoDB_IO_r_wait: 0.000000
InnoDB_rec_lock_wait: 0.000000 InnoDB_queue_wait: 0.000000
InnoDB_pages_distinct: 20
SET timestamp=1562568387;
update user_info SET recommend_votes_num = recommend_votes_num - 4 WHERE user_id = 4124593 AND recommend_votes_num >= 4;
query_end: 4.202146!!!
Can someone help me explain why this update takes so much time in the query end status?
I hope percona experts can help me solve this problem or provide some ideas. This problem has been bothering me for several weeks. Thank you.