Percona operator backup-agent chang timezone from UTC


Frist, Thank you for your reading my topic :slight_smile:
I want to change timezone of backup-agent container in cluster on k8s.

Steps to Reproduce:

when I install mongodb cluster on eks using helm (below values.yaml)

  enabled: true
    repository: percona/percona-backup-mongodb
    tag: 2.3.1
      type: s3
        region: ap-northeast-2
        bucket: my-bucket
        prefix: "test"
        credentialsSecret: mongodb-secrets-backup

all files use UTC time zone

// backup-agent timezone
[mongodb@mongodb-test-psmdb-db-rs0-0 /]$ date
Wed Jan  3 00:48:59 UTC 2024

// pbm list
[mongodb@mongodb-test-psmdb-db-rs0-0 /]$ pbm list
Backup snapshots:
  2024-01-02T12:00:51Z <physical> [restore_to_time: 2024-01-02T12:00:53Z]

PITR <on>:
  2024-01-02T12:00:54Z - 2024-01-03T00:52:17Z

So, when I run pitr restore, I should calculate timezone from UTC to my timezone.
In this topic, say that designed to use UTC for avoid to occur something error.

Is it recommended use only UTC? If so, I will use just UTC timezone.
If not, can I know that how to chang backup-agent container’s timezone in manual way?
I think, Re-dockerizing backup-agent image is not good idea… (wondering side effect)


operator : 1.15.0
server : 6.0.9-7
backup-agent : 2.3.1
eks version : 1.27

I decide to use UTC. It is reasonable way in my minde :slight_smile:

How add +4 timezone in mongo backup agent ?