PBM restore failing

Please help me on this.

PBM restore failing with the error

Error :

pbm restore 2022-12-15T11:57:17Z
Starting restore 2022-12-15T13:36:42.792657992Z from ‘2022-12-15T11:57:17Z’…Error: failed to ensure snapshot file 2022-12-15T11:57:17Z/rs-percona-mongodb/metadata.json: no such file

  • Restore on replicaset “rs-percona-mongodb” in state: error: failed to ensure snapshot file 2022-12-15T11:57:17Z/rs-percona-mongodb/metadata.json: no such file

used the command below:

$ pbm restore 2022-12-15T11:57:17Z


pbm restore 2022-12-15T11:57:17Z

Starting restore 2022-12-15T13:36:42.792657992Z from ‘2022-12-15T11:57:17Z’…Error: failed to ensure snapshot file 2022-12-15T11:57:17Z/rs-percona-mongodb/metadata.json: no such file

  • Restore on replicaset “rs-percona-mongodb” in state: error: failed to ensure snapshot file 2022-12-15T11:57:17Z/rs-percona-mongodb/metadata.json: no such file

[mongod@~ backups]$ pbm list

Backup snapshots:

2022-12-15T06:30:50Z [restore_to_time: 2022-12-15T06:30:55Z]

2022-12-15T11:57:17Z [restore_to_time: 2022-12-15T11:57:22Z]


[mongod@ backups]$ pbm status




  • rs-percona-mongodb/hostname1:27017 [S]: pbm-agent v2.0.2 OK

  • rs-percona-mongodb/hostname2:27017 [S]: pbm-agent v2.0.2 OK

  • rs-percona-mongodb/hostname3:27017 [P]: pbm-agent v2.0.2 OK

PITR incremental backup:


Status [OFF]

Currently running:





FS /opt/backups/percona-backup


2022-12-15T11:57:17Z 4.89MB [restore_to_time: 2022-12-15T11:57:22Z]

2022-12-15T06:30:50Z 4.90MB [restore_to_time: 2022-12-15T06:30:55Z]

PITR chunks [0.00B]:

2022-12-15T05:28:25Z - 2022-12-15T06:23:11Z (no base snapshot)

Note : metadata.json file exist under the backup directory but it’s failing.
[mongod@hostname backups]$ pbm restore 2022-12-15T11:57:17Z

Starting restore 2022-12-15T13:36:42.792657992Z from ‘2022-12-15T11:57:17Z’…Error: failed to ensure snapshot file 2022-12-15T11:57:17Z/rs-percona-mongodb/metadata.json: no such file

  • Restore on replicaset “rs-percona-mongodb” in state: error: failed to ensure snapshot file 2022-12-15T11:57:17Z/rs-percona-mongodb/metadata.json: no such file

[mongod@g-vmx-2d-percona-mongo-003 backups]$ cd 2022-12-15T11:57:17Z

[mongod@g-vmx-2d-percona-mongo-003 2022-12-15T11:57:17Z]$ ls -lrth

total 4.0K

drwxr-xr-x 2 mongod mongod 4.0K Dec 15 11:59 rs-percona-mongodb

[mongod@hostname 2022-12-15T11:57:17Z]$ cd rs-percona-mongodb/

[mongod@hostname rs-percona-mongodb]$ ls -lrth

total 5.0M

-rw-r–r-- 1 mongod mongod 122 Dec 15 11:59 admin.system.version.s2

-rw-r–r-- 1 mongod mongod 869 Dec 15 11:59 admin.system.users.s2

-rw-r–r-- 1 mongod mongod 155 Dec 15 11:59 admin.system.roles.s2

-rw-r–r-- 1 mongod mongod 1.3M Dec 15 11:59 admin.pbmPITRChunks.old.s2

-rw-r–r-- 1 mongod mongod 225 Dec 15 11:59 nba.players.s2

-rw-r–r-- 1 mongod mongod 869 Dec 15 11:59 admin.pbmRUsers.s2

-rw-r–r-- 1 mongod mongod 155 Dec 15 11:59 admin.pbmRRoles.s2

-rw-r–r-- 1 mongod mongod 2.3K Dec 15 11:59 admin.pbmRestores.s2

-rw-r–r-- 1 mongod mongod 1.9K Dec 15 11:59 admin.pbmPITRChunks.s2

-rw-r–r-- 1 mongod mongod 2.8K Dec 15 11:59 admin.pbmOpLog.s2

-rw-r–r-- 1 mongod mongod 3.7M Dec 15 11:59 admin.pbmLog.s2

-rw-r–r-- 1 mongod mongod 216 Dec 15 11:59 admin.pbmLock.s2

-rw-r–r-- 1 mongod mongod 446 Dec 15 11:59 admin.pbmConfig.s2

-rw-r–r-- 1 mongod mongod 2.2K Dec 15 11:59 admin.pbmCmd.s2

-rw-r–r-- 1 mongod mongod 1.2K Dec 15 11:59 admin.pbmBackups.s2

-rw-r–r-- 1 mongod mongod 4.2K Dec 15 11:59 admin.pbmBackups.old.s2

-rw-r–r-- 1 mongod mongod 471 Dec 15 11:59 admin.pbmAgents.s2

-rw-r–r-- 1 mongod mongod 11K Dec 15 11:59 metadata.json

-rw-r–r-- 1 mongod mongod 3.2K Dec 15 11:59 local.oplog.rs.bson.s2

[mongod@hostname rs-percona-mongodb]$ ls -ld metadata.json

-rw-r–r-- 1 mongod mongod 10943 Dec 15 11:59 metadata.json

[mongod@hostname rs-percona-mongodb]$

1 Like

Hi @chenna !
From the status output I see that you are using a file system backup.
Is a backup folder available for each cluster node? (it must be, and every node must have R/W access to it)


I have the same problem.
And I have Bakcup folder on each node.
Can you help?

Same issue with me as well. Please help here