PBM can't create a full backup

2024-01-13T04:26:26Z I [rs-db/mongod:27017] got epoch {1704763717 1}
2024-01-13T04:26:27Z I [rs-db/mongod:27017] [backup/2024-01-13T04:26:26Z] backup started
2024-01-14T12:55:07Z I [rs-db/mongod:27017] [backup/2024-01-13T04:26:26Z] mongodump finished, waiting for the oplog
2024-01-14T12:55:08Z I [rs-db/mongod:27017] [backup/2024-01-13T04:26:26Z] dropping tmp collections
2024-01-14T12:55:08Z I [rs-db/mongod:27017] [backup/2024-01-13T04:26:26Z] mark RS as error check cluster for dump done: convergeCluster: get backup metadata: not found:
2024-01-14T12:55:08Z I [rs-db/mongod:27017] [backup/2024-01-13T04:26:26Z] mark backup as error check cluster for dump done: convergeCluster: get backup metadata: not found:
2024-01-14T12:55:08Z E [rs-db/mongod:27017] [backup/2024-01-13T04:26:26Z] backup: check cluster for dump done: convergeCluster: get backup metadata: not found

When I run pbm backup, the full backup is not created. I need everyone’s help with this issue.

Hi @Linh_T_Khanh,
Welcome to the community!
Regarding the error

2024-01-14T12:55:08Z I [rs-db/mongod:27017] [backup/2024-01-13T04:26:26Z] mark backup as error check cluster for dump done: convergeCluster: get backup metadata: not found:

please share the pbm logs along with pbm status, from below command:

pbm logs -e backup/2024-01-13T04:26:26Z -s D -t 0
pbm status

Also, can you confirm if you have scheduled the pbm backup via cron and cleanup is also included after it?


[mongod@db mongodb]$ pbm logs -e backup/2024-01-13T04:26:26Z -s D -t 0
2024-01-13T04:26:26Z D [rs-db/mongod:27017] [backup/2024-01-13T04:26:26Z] init backup meta
2024-01-13T04:26:26Z D [rs-db/mongod:27017] [backup/2024-01-13T04:26:26Z] nomination list for rs-db: [[db:27017]]
2024-01-13T04:26:26Z D [rs-db/mongod:27017] [backup/2024-01-13T04:26:26Z] nomination rs-db, set candidates [db:27017]
2024-01-13T04:26:27Z I [rs-db/mongod:27017] [backup/2024-01-13T04:26:26Z] backup started
2024-01-13T04:26:30Z D [rs-db/mongod:27017] [backup/2024-01-13T04:26:26Z] wait for tmp users {1705119990 13}
2024-01-14T12:55:07Z I [rs-db/mongod:27017] [backup/2024-01-13T04:26:26Z] mongodump finished, waiting for the oplog
2024-01-14T12:55:08Z I [rs-db/mongod:27017] [backup/2024-01-13T04:26:26Z] dropping tmp collections
2024-01-14T12:55:08Z I [rs-db/mongod:27017] [backup/2024-01-13T04:26:26Z] mark RS as error check cluster for dump done: convergeCluster: get backup metadata: not found:
2024-01-14T12:55:08Z I [rs-db/mongod:27017] [backup/2024-01-13T04:26:26Z] mark backup as error check cluster for dump done: convergeCluster: get backup metadata: not found:
2024-01-14T12:55:08Z E [rs-db/mongod:27017] [backup/2024-01-13T04:26:26Z] backup: check cluster for dump done: convergeCluster: get backup metadata: not found
2024-01-14T12:55:08Z D [rs-db/mongod:27017] [backup/2024-01-13T04:26:26Z] releasing lock
You have mail in /var/spool/mail/mongod

[mongod@db mongodb]$ pbm status


  • rs-mbvbaoff/db:27017 [P]: pbm-agent v2.1.0 OK

PITR incremental backup:

Status [ON]

Currently running:



FS /backup/pbm_backup

I have just sent more details.
Yes, I have scheduled the pbm backup via cron and cleanup. Backup storage is always sufficient enough for next full backups.

Hi @Linh_T_Khanh
I believe, you have scheduled the pbm backup and cleanup simultaneously. The cleanup command was designed to work not during backup.

Can you please share the cronjob of backup and cleanup?

Also, we could see pbm version is of 2.1 and we recommend upgrading it to the latest version i.e. pbm 2.3.


The error mentions waiting for the oplog. Ensure that the MongoDB oplog is accessible and that there are no issues with its size or configuration. The oplog is crucial for maintaining the consistency of the backup. Use MongoDB diagnostic commands, such as rs.status() and db.currentOp(), to gather more information about the state of your replica set.