Pbm backup to backblaze

Hello, I’ve noticed that some databases are not being saved as files in our designated S3 storage ‘Backblaze’. Could you guide me on where to find the relevant logs or outputs generated by the PBM command to identify the cause? I am using. Everest v1.0.1

Hey @Trajanka_Milkova ,

how do you know that they are not saved? What are the symptoms?

As for debugging the steps are the following:

  1. Find the namespace where databases are running
  2. run kubectl get psmdb-backups -n <namespace> - that would show you the backup and its status. You can also get more details from it: kubectl get pbm-backups -n <namespace> <BACKUP_NAME> -o yaml - it will show you some errors if any.
  3. find the pods that belong to this cluster kubectl get pods -n <namespace>
  4. get the logs from the backup agent that runs as a sidecar kubectl logs <POD_NAME> -c backup-agent -n <namespace>