After installing Patroni I get : Failed to locate executable /bin/patroni: No such file or directory
I follow the Instructions on the Quick Setup Guide I only change dir for Postgresql because its on sdb drive.
OS: Alma Linux 9
export DATA_DIR=“/mnt/sdb/postgresql”
export PG_BIN_DIR=“/usr/pgsql-15/bin”
Any idea what I might be missing ?
Its Percona Distribution 15.7
sudo percona-release setup ppg15
sudo yum install python3-pip python3-devel binutils
sudo yum install percona-patroni
sudo systemctl stop {patroni,postgresql}
sudo systemctl disable {patroni,postgresql}
And then I follow the steps at Deploying on RHEL or derivatives - Percona Distribution for PostgreSQL
Hi @Brand05
Could you inform on which exactly operation system you have faced this issue?
Hi Vadim_Yalovets’
Apologies for leaving it out I have amended my request.
OS is Alma Linux 9.
Kind Regards.
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Hello @Brand05
I tested percona-patroni
installation on AlmaLinux release 9.4
and it works.
sudo yum install
sudo percona-release setup ppg15
**sudo yum install epel-release**
**sudo dnf module enable llvm-toolset**
sudo yum install percona-patroni
[root@b44848884696 /]# which patroni
[root@b44848884696 /]# cat /etc/redhat-release
AlmaLinux release 9.4 (Seafoam Ocelot)
[root@b44848884696 /]# patroni
patroni patroni_aws patroni_barman patroni_raft_controller patronictl
Please run the following prerequisite commands before installing Patroni,
*sudo yum install epel-release*
*sudo dnf module enable llvm-toolset*
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Thanks for the reply, I will test and revert back
Thanks, I have been able to install, I do not get the specific error again “Failed to locate executable /bin/patroni:” I do get an error in Alma Linux about the llvm-toolset something about not part of the group. But I still need to look into it. Thanks for your assistance its much appreciated.
$ rpm -qa | grep llvm-toolset
$ rpm -qa | grep llvm-devel
$ sudo dnf module disable postgresql llvm-toolset
Last metadata expiration check: 3:06:19 ago on Tue 23 Jul 2024 04:26:22.
Unable to resolve argument llvm-toolset
Error: Problems in request:
missing groups or modules: llvm-toolset
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