Override query hostgroup

I have an application that runs perfectly well on ProxySQL except in a few specific circumstances. I route all SELECT queries to the read hostgroup and that works very well.

The specific circumstances is when the application performs some internal clean-up and then it sets the connection mode to: SET sql_mode=‘STRICT_ALL_TABLES,NO_ZERO_IN_DATE,NO_ZERO_DATE,ERROR_FOR_DIVISION_BY_ZERO,NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION’,time_zone = ‘+00:00’,lc_messages = ‘en_US’

all queries from this connection should run in the write hostgroup, even the select queries, thus overriding my rule. Is there a way to do that ?

Right now this application mode errors out on a select query with: SQLSTATE[Y0000]: <>: 9006 ProxySQL Error: connection is locked to hostgroup 0 but trying to reach hostgroup 2 .

I’d rather not set mysql-set_query_lock_on_hostgroup to 0 since that introduces more issues.

This is on version 2.6.3

Any ideas ? Thank you

If you start an explicit transaction before executing this SET statement, then all queries inside the transaction will be routed to the writer, including SELECTs. ProxySQL does not break up transactions.

Understood. Thank you. Is there no session locking to a certain hostgroup once the session has been restricted this way ? It would be equivalent to having a transaction I guess

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> SELECT u.id, u.displayName, u.recoveryHash, u.recoverySendAt, u.theme, u.files_folder_id, u.last_password_change, u.id AS u.id, p.password, p.userId AS p.userId
→ FROM core_user u
→ LEFT JOIN core_auth_password p ON
→ u.id = p.userId
u.id = ‘1’
→ LIMIT 0,1;
ERROR 9006 (Y0000): ProxySQL Error: connection is locked to hostgroup 0 but trying to reach hostgroup 2

Yes, there is session locking, which is what you are experiencing. SET statements tell ProxySQL to go to writer, but you have a rule that says ‘SELECTs go here’ and it won’t do that. You should explicitly START TRANSACTION; SET SESSION ...; SELECT ..; COMMIT and that should all be routed to the same connection on the writer.

sorry, what I meant was to make the entire connection go to the writer hostgroup once the set command has been issued. Or you think that would break a lot of the intended usage of proxysql ?

Yes, you can do that by forcing a transaction as I showed above.

If you simply do SET ..; SELECT.. you will get the error you are experiencing because ProxySQL disabled multiplexing on ‘SET’ commands.

See the section on ’ Tuning multiplexing’ and you can create a rule that forces multiplexing even when SET sql_mode is detected.

Thank you. It’s all good now. Much appreciated Matthew