Hi !
I need your advice to see if it is possible to optimize this request:
SELECT * FROM advert ads INNER JOIN advert_text txt on ads.advertId = txt.adstAdvertId WHERE txt.adstLang = 'nl' OR (txt.adstLang = ads.advertMainLang AND NOT EXISTS(SELECT NULL FROM advert_text WHERE adstLang = 'nl' AND adstAdvertId = ads.advertId));
In explain I have this as result for the subquery :
I dont know if this request is better or not:
SELECT * FROM advert ads INNER JOIN advert_text txt on ads.advertId = txt.adstAdvertId WHERE txt.adstLang = 'nl' OR (txt.adstLang = ads.advertMainLang AND ads.advertId NOT IN (SELECT adstAdvertId FROM advert_text WHERE adstLang = 'nl'));
In explain I have this as result for the subquery :
The result that I want is : [LIST=1]
[]If the description exist in the language of the visitor (in this case “nl”), I want that MySQL return that description (with the rest of the first table).
[]If the description don’t exist in the language of the visitor, I want that MySQL return the description that correspond to the language of the author (ads.advertMainLang).
Maybe it is better to retrieve everything (in visitor language and original language) and treat after the result directly in PHP
SELECT * FROM advert ads INNER JOIN advert_text txt on ads.advertId = txt.adstAdvertId WHERE txt.adstLang = 'nl' OR txt.adstLang = ads.advertMainLang;
If you see a better way to do this, please tell me.
Thank you