Odd table name for checksum using pt-table-checksum

I have a problem whereby the table in the percona schema is getting created with a wrong name. This is a new as I have used pt-table-checksum with these servers and these databases for some time.
The process creates a table percona.checksums . I notice that the the table_collation utf8_general_ci has changed the old checksum table is latin1_swedish_ci . I notice the linux users env var LANG=en_US.UTF-8 could that be a problem. Database collation is latin1_swedish_ci

Any thoughts for how ti isolate this or what is happening?
2.2.19 tools and MariaDb 10.1.13


I have built a test case on AWS using Redhat 6.5 AMI and the Employee database downloaded from MySQL. I installed Percona xtrabackup and Percona Tools with MariaDB 10.1 13.
The problem persists there so I have this crazy table name problem now in three environments using the same version of tools and xtrabackup with MariaDB 10.1.13. There is a bug with something and it’s affecting my production system daily. Not sure to upgrade tools, libraries, Perl, or database software
