Not possible to install Percona Server 5.7 with MyRocks on Ubuntu 16.04 Xenial

We really want to play with MyRocks and Percona Server 5.7 seems like the best way to do it, however it doesn’t seem to be possible to install it currently because the APT repository is not consistent.

This blog post indicated that there would be builds for Ubuntu 16.04 Xenial. [url][/url]

I followed the instructions here [url][/url] that indicated that experimental builds have to be enabled in the APT sources config.

Installing Percona Server 5.7 installs percona-server-server-5.7 (5.7.19-17-1.xenial) - all good so far.
Trying to install the RocksDB plugin is where we run into issues:

percona-server-rocksdb-5.7 : Depends: percona-server-server-5.7 (= 5.7.19-29.22-1.xenial) but 5.7.19-17-1.xenial is to be installed

RocksDB seems to depend on a version of Percona Server that is not in the repository. To see what was going on, I started to look in the APT meta files.
I found the Xenial RocksDB files in the percona-xtradb-cluster-5.7 folder ([url][/url]) which seemed weird - first, that the file would be in that folder instead of percona-server-server-5.7; second, that even though the dependency was set to percona-server-server-5.7, the version specified (5.7.19-29.22) seems to be a percona-xtradb-cluster-5.7 version; third, that the file itself was only 5KB and contained only a changelog.

Looking in the repo a little more, I do find a build for zesty (Ubuntu 17.04) that seems like it could work.
The file is in the right folder, points to the right Percona Server 5.7 version and is large enough that I could see it containing the plugin.

What should I do if I want to get this running on Ubuntu 16.04? I may look into setting up a Zesty server to get this working…

Thanks for the help!

Hi mignaulo,
I think you have just found two bugs and I have reported them in our Jira, but unfortunately they are not publicly visible so even if I give you links I don’t think you’ll be able to access them (at least I can’t with my separate jira account).

One bug is documentation because MyRocks in Percona Server is experimental quality but I don’t think you should use experimental repo for this installation - it’s just a separate package in the main repo.
Other bug is build/release because MyRocks packages are built with PXC by mistake and pushed into repo as you can see here: [url][/url]

I expect this to be fixed early next week and I’ll make an update here when that happens.

Thanks for info and have a nice weekend!

Hi mignaulo, this has been fixed now in the repository but please use the main repository and not experimental (the docs still need to be corrected). Thanks!

Thank you tplavcic!

Just a little message to confirm that Percona + MyRocks installed as expected, thank you!