mySQL - What are some tools for cloning a slimmed down version of a production database?

Our production database is enormous and we need a slimmed-down version of our production database for our developers. Are there any tools out there that might help with this tedious task? We would like developers to have minimal data to run the application on their dev environment.

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Hello @tnc001,
I would like to advise against that. The reason for this is that MySQL and your queries will behave differently on the dev server with less data. A query on a dev machine with only 10% of your data may run super fast, but when you then deploy that query to production with much more data, the query might run completely differently. This is a bad scenario to be in. How can you properly test your queries if your dev env doesn’t match prod?

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Good point. We will still have the full database in our test environment, which should help us catch performance issues before going to production.

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