Mysql User Details dashboard does not show query when filtering in QAN

Mysql User Details dashboard does not show queries when filtering QAN

When I click on a user’s filter, QAN dashboard opens. but it does not filter. “No queries available for this combination of filters in the selected time frame” error occurs.

The opened Link is like this in QAN: https:///graph/d/pmm-qan/pmm-query-analytics?var-service_name=$%7B__field.labels.service_name%7D&var-username=$%7B__field.labels.user%7D&var-environment=All&var-cluster=All&var-replication_set=All&var-database=All&var-schema=All&var-node_name=All&var-client_host=All&var-service_type=All&var-node_type=All&var-city=All&var-az=All&var-interval=auto&columns=%5B%22load%22,%22num_queries%22,%22query_time%22%5D&group_by=queryid&order_by=-load&from=now-12h&to=now&page_number=1&page_size=25&totals=false&details_tab=details

Can this bug be resolved?


Pmm server and pmm agent v2.43.2 , used in mysql source:slowlog

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Hello @Duygu

These graphs are available only for Percona Server and MariaDB and require userstat variable turned on.

Here is the doc for ref: MySQL User Details - Percona Monitoring and Management

This dashboard requires Percona Server for MySQL 5.1+ or MariaDB 10.1/10.2 with XtraDB. Also userstat should be enabled, for example with the SET GLOBAL userstat=1 statement. See Setting up MySQL.

See if this condition meets your setup.

Yes there is userstat=1 parameter in mysql config. still the same problem persists.

What is the version of MySQL you are using?

and You should look into pmm-agent logs on the pmm-client server to check if it is showing any error for this.
journalctl -u pmm-agent.service -f

Hello @Duygu,
The “MySQL User Details” dashboard, which you show a screenshot above, does not interact with the QAN dashboard. Those are 2 independent dashboards. Filtering inside the QAN does not affect other dashboards. Please confirm which dashboard you are having issues with.