MySQL Threadpool with admin port/connection behavior

Hello Percona Team,
I am trying out MySQL threadpool and observed a behavior. Wanted to confirm if it is by design!
Say, I am running threadpool with threadpool_size=1 and threadpool_oversubscribe=3.
Then I try to connect clients to server one by one and let the connection do some heavy select operation.
After 4 client connections, even an ADMIN connection is not go through and hangs.
Is this an expected behavior?

Hi @nitin welcome to the Percona forums!
You should be able to make an ADMIN connection to the database using the Administrative Interface via --port=33062

  • There is no limit on the number of administrative connections, but connections are permitted only for users who have the SERVICE_CONNECTION_ADMIN privilege.

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The admin connection I am trying do have SERVICE_CONNECTION_ADMIN privilege.
I believe the reason is code percona-server/sql/ at 8.0 · percona/percona-server · GitHub “too_many_busy_threads(*thread_group)” does not allow the admin connection to login!
The worker is not able get/remove the request from the event queue.

Hi @nitin
Can you confirm you were connecting with --port=33062 ?

  • Started the server options “–thread-handling=pool-of-threads --thread-pool-size=1 --admin_address= --admin_port=33062”
  • Connected the client with “–protocol=TCP --port=33062”
  • So i suppose it is an admin client connection, not sure if there is any way to cross check though.
  • The default value of threadpool_oversubscribe=3 and for testing we set threadpool_size to 1.
  • So, 4 clients happily connected (admin or non) and started executing heavy select queries (became busy).
  • Now when trying to establish the 5th connection :
    - A NON-ADMIN connection cannot established as expected, because we have exceeded oversubscription limit. Please confirm my understanding!
    - But I expected an ADMIN connection now should go through and should NOT honor oversubscribe limit. Please confirm my understanding!

Probably, related to Jira

Looks to be the case. My suggestion is to add yourself as a watcher and upvote that ticket for visibility.