mysql TABLE optimisation

Hi All (please help)

my mysql DB uas a table of the following structure:

VID bigint(20) NOT NULL auto_increment,
UID bigint(20) NOT NULL default ‘0’,
provider char(2) default NULL,
title varchar(120) NOT NULL default ‘’,
description text NOT NULL,
featuredesc text NOT NULL,
keyword text NOT NULL,
channel varchar(255) NOT NULL default ‘0|’,
vdoname varchar(40) NOT NULL default ‘’,
flvdoname varchar(40) default NULL,
adult char(3) default ‘no’,
duration float NOT NULL default ‘0’,
space bigint(20) NOT NULL default ‘0’,
type varchar(7) NOT NULL default ‘’,
addtime varchar(20) default NULL,
adddate date NOT NULL default ‘0000-00-00’,
record_date date NOT NULL default ‘0000-00-00’,
location text NOT NULL,
country varchar(120) NOT NULL default ‘’,
vkey varchar(20) NOT NULL default ‘’,
viewnumber bigint(10) NOT NULL default ‘0’,
viewtime datetime NOT NULL default ‘0000-00-00 00:00:00’,
com_num int(cool: NOT NULL default ‘0’,
fav_num int(cool: NOT NULL default ‘0’,
featured char(3) NOT NULL default ‘no’,
ratedby bigint(10) NOT NULL default ‘0’,
rate float NOT NULL default ‘0’,
filehome varchar(120) NOT NULL default ‘’,
be_comment char(3) NOT NULL default ‘yes’,
be_rated char(3) NOT NULL default ‘yes’,
embed varchar(cool: NOT NULL default ‘enabled’,
voter_id varchar(200) NOT NULL default ‘’,
contentowner varchar(120) default NULL,
adurl varchar(255) default NULL,
admsg text,
AnonName varchar(255) default ‘anonymous’,
UNIQUE KEY vkey (vkey),

when i search this table using PHP using simple queries, my CPU utilisation grows exponentially. just 1 search query on this table causes my CPU to spike to 30%… and when i have multiple queries the CPU utilisation grows to 300%…

could somone help me optimise this table please…
(the number of rows in this table is > 100K)

logging slow queries on this DB… here’s what I got:
(a few examples)

SELECT keyword from content where adult<>“yes” and type=‘public’ order by rand() ASC LIMIT 0, 25;

Time: 071122 4:18:34

User&#64;Host: username[username] @ localhost

Query_time: 2 Lock_time: 0 Rows_sent: 0 Rows_examined: 79270

SELECT * from content where type=‘public’ and (keyword like ‘%harbhajan%’ or keyword like '%mann%'or keyword like '%man%'or keyword like '%jatt%'or keyword like '%sam%'or keyword like '%latest%'or keyword like '%punjabi%'or keyword like '%song%'or keyword like '%mitti%'or keyword like '%wajan%'or keyword like '%mardi%'or keyword like '%wajde%'or keyword like '%dhol%'or keyword like '%naal%'or keyword like '%algose%'or keyword like '%tumbi%'or keyword like '%upload%'or keyword like '%miti%'or keyword like '%vaja%'or keyword like ‘%vajan%’) and adult<>“yes” order by VID asc limit 14619, 5;

Time: 071122 4:20:03

User&#64;Host: username[username] @ localhost

Query_time: 2 Lock_time: 0 Rows_sent: 10 Rows_examined: 79685

i modified my table and added:

KEY INDEX (adult,featured,type,addtime)

still no use…

here’s my PHP select statements:
$sql1=“SELECT * from content where type=‘public’ and adult=‘yes’ and featured=‘yes’ order by addtime desc limit 12”;
$featuredcontent = $rs1->getrows();
STemplate::assign(‘featuredcontent’,$featuredcontent); —> i use smarty for the presentation…

And your last query didn’t gain speed?

As for the two others.
Try not to use negations like adult <> ‘yes’.
Change them to adult = ‘no’ instead.
Index usage is much improved.

An “… ORDER BY RAND()” can not use an index. Hence it will always require CPU to order the records. But note that the amount of records that needs sorting is determined from how many that match the WHERE and/or that are left after a GROUP BY statement since sorting is one of the last steps in a query execution.
The only thing you can do to speed this query up is to make sure that you have a sort_buffer_size setting that is large enough to store the temporary table in RAM instead of having to write it to disk.

didnt help… here’s what I have now:

1 PHP page:
content as follows:

<?php include("include/config.php"); include("include/function.php"); $mydate= date('Y-m-d'); $sql="SELECT CHID, name from channel"; $rs = $conn->Execute($sql); $channels = $rs->getrows(); STemplate::assign('channels',$channels); if($_SESSION['filterstatus']=="on"){ $sql1="SELECT * from content where type='public' and (adult<>'yes' or adult is NULL) and featured=\"yes\" order by addtime desc limit 12"; } else { $sql1="SELECT VID, title, from content where type='public' and adult='yes' and featured='yes' order by addtime desc limit 12"; } $rs1=$conn->Execute($sql1); if($rs1->recordcount()>0) $featuredcontent = $rs1->getrows(); STemplate::assign('featuredcontent',$featuredcontent); STemplate::assign('page', 'index'); STemplate::display('head.tpl'); STemplate::display('err_msg.tpl'); STemplate::display('index.tpl'); STemplate::display('footer.tpl'); ?>

here’s my function.php

<? function insert_id_to_thumb($a) { global $config,$conn; $VID=$a[vid]; $provider=$a[provider]; $flvdoname=$a[flvdoname]; $img=$a[img]; if($img=="") $img=rand(1, 3); if($provider=="yt") $thumburl="[URL][/URL]".$flvdoname."/".$img.".jpg"; elseif($provider=="myspace") $thumburl="[URL][/URL]".$flvdoname."/".$img.".jpg"; else $thumburl="/thumb/".$img."_".$VID.".jpg"; return $thumburl; } function insert_video_channel($a) { global $conn; if($a[tbl]=="")$sqlx="channel from content where VID='$a[vid]'"; else $sqlx="channel from $a[tbl] where GID='$a[gid]'"; $sql="select $sqlx"; $rs=$conn->execute($sql); $a=$rs->fields[channel]; if($a!="") { $temp=explode("|",$a); if(count($temp)>=1) for($i=1;$iexecute($sql); $res=$rsx->getrows(); return $res; } } function insert_comment_count($a) { global $conn; $sql="select count(*) as ttl from comments where VID='$a[vid]'"; $rs=$conn->execute($sql); return $rs->fields[ttl]; } ?>

and here’s my index.tpl (smarty template)
{section name=i loop=$channels}

  • {$channels[i].name}
  • {/section}

    {section name=i loop=12 start=0 max=12}
    {insert name=id_to_thumb assign=thumburl vid=$featuredcontent[i].VID provider=$featuredcontent[i].provider flvdoname=$featuredcontent[i].flvdoname}<img src=“{$thumburl}” width=“120” height=“90” border=“0” alt=“{$featuredcontent[i].title|escape:“quotes”|escape:“htmlall “|strip}” title=”{$featuredcontent[i].title|escape:“quotes”|escape: “htmlall”|strip}” />
    {$featuredcontent[i].title|truncate:17: “…”:true}

    {insert name=comment_count assign=commentcount vid=$featuredcontent[i].VID}Comments: {$commentcount}

    {insert name=video_channel assign=channel vid=$featuredcontent[i].VID}{section name=k loop=$channel start=0 max=1}{$channel[k].name}{/section}

    with this simple query: hre’s what TOP shows me when i hit refresh on my page… just once:

    top - 11:27:48 up 7 days, 18:53, 1 user, load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
    Tasks: 119 total, 2 running, 117 sleeping, 0 stopped, 0 zombie
    Cpu(s): 3.1%us, 4.4%sy, 0.0%ni, 92.5%id, 0.1%wa, 0.0%hi, 0.0%si, 0.0%st
    Mem: 32553000k total, 32021216k used, 531784k free, 1162548k buffers
    Swap: 2031608k total, 144k used, 2031464k free, 1640916k cached

    28452 mysql 18 0 184m 28m 3600 S 29 0.1 0:04.56 mysqld
    28504 apache 15 0 195m 12m 2992 S 2 0.0 0:00.06 httpd
    28498 apache 16 0 195m 11m 2580 S 1 0.0 0:00.03 httpd
    1 root 15 0 10312 684 572 S 0 0.0 0:01.65 init
    2 root RT 0 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:00.39 migration/0

    could someone help me structure my table right and enable me to display this 1 page without much CPU consumtion… I can run with that… but this 1 query is killing me…

    Please don’t post a lot of PHP code because it really doesn’t say anything.

    Do as you did posting the CREATE TABLE and then post the specific query that takes time and the explain plan for it.

    As for your CPU usage it is 7.5% not 29%. If you look at the top of the “top” output it says

    Cpu(s): 3.1%us, 4.4%sy, 0.0%ni, 92.5%id, 0.1%wa, 0.0%hi, 0.0%si, 0.0%st

    which means that 7.5% is used and 92.5% is idle.

    The reason why mysqld is reporting 29% in the list is that the mysql process is in fact a lot of threads and a rounding error for each thread makes the cpu usage to rise. But that is purely a display problem.
    The summarized cpu usage for the system is what you should look at and 7.5% isn’t that high.

    One comment on the table design…

    Recommend splitting the table up so that there is a main
    table with a few commonly accessed fields and a child (dependent)
    table that has all the less commonly accessed fields. The goal
    is to slim down the number of columns in the main table.

    The row size is sooo big for this table that it will be
    slow to search as not many rows can be packed into a 16k
    block with a large row like this. This means that it will
    take a lot of disk accesses to search this table. Making
    it skinnier will improve search speed.

    You would want to put any fields that are searched for in
    the main table, or any fields that are always accessed in
    the main table.