mysql not using index

Hi, I have these 2 tables;

CREATE TABLE transaction_it_200701 (
transid varchar(100) NOT NULL default ‘’,
service varchar(100) NOT NULL default ‘’,

PRIMARY KEY (transid),
KEY data (start_date)


CREATE TABLE transactionlog_it_200701 (
code bigint(20) NOT NULL auto_increment,
type varchar(100) NOT NULL default ‘’,
transid varchar(100) NOT NULL default ‘0’,
transLogid varchar(100) NOT NULL default ‘0’,
status int(11) NOT NULL default ‘0’,

KEY transidentifier (transid,transLogid)

Both the tables contains about 3 million of rows.

I have this query:
explain SELECT * FROM transaction_it_200701 transaction INNER JOIN transactionlog_it_200701 transactionlog ON transaction.transid = t
ransactionlog.transid WHERE transaction.start_date >= ‘2007-01-22 00:41:00’ and transaction.start_date <= ‘2007-01-26 00:41:59’ GROUP BY 1,3;

and the EXPLAIN result is:

±—±------------±---------------±-------±------------- —±--------±--------±----------------------------------- ±--------±--------------------------------+
| id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | Extra |
±—±------------±---------------±-------±------------- —±--------±--------±----------------------------------- ±--------±--------------------------------+
| 1 | SIMPLE | transactionlog | ALL | transidentifier | NULL | NULL | NULL | 2489139 | Using temporary; Using filesort |
| 1 | SIMPLE | transaction | eq_ref | PRIMARY,data | PRIMARY | 300 | reporting_1.transactionlog.transid | 1 | Using where |
±—±------------±---------------±-------±------------- —±--------±--------±----------------------------------- ±--------±--------------------------------+
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

It seems the second table index in not used.

In production this query takes 10 minutes!! :frowning:

Could you help me?


Index is used on transaction table but not transactionlog…

You did not list which type start_date has. Also check what kind of selectivity does this range have - might be it is large and so full table scan is more efficient.

Also note you use SELECT * together with GROUP BY 1,3 which is extremely fragile.