MySQL memory keep growing after restart

Here is PMM Memory chart showing that used memory keep growing.

03/13 point at timeline is moment of restart. I checked all charts / metrics but cannot explain where does memory go. Maybe you can give me some advice what I can check? Here is my config and some details:


# Top Processes ##############################################
 2817 mysql     20   0   33.8g  27.0g  11176 S 231.2 57.4   5500:48 mysqld
19711 bitrix    20   0 2619456 174448 146400 S  25.0  0.4   3:18.68 httpd
 8520 root      20   0   58684   2396   1480 R   6.2  0.0   0:00.01 top
28359 root      20   0 1504220 235408   7220 S   6.2  0.5  36:50.78 vmagent
    1 root      20   0  191664   4572   2604 S   0.0  0.0  11:11.12 systemd
    2 root      20   0       0      0      0 S   0.0  0.0   0:00.75 kthreadd
    4 root       0 -20       0      0      0 S   0.0  0.0   0:00.00 kworker/0:+
    6 root      20   0       0      0      0 S   0.0  0.0   0:21.54 ksoftirqd/0
    7 root      rt   0       0      0      0 S   0.0  0.0   0:09.96 migration/0


# Memory #####################################################
         Total | 47.0G
          Free | 865.3M
          Used | physical = 34.3G, swap allocated = 2.0G, swap used = 3.5M, virtual = 34.3G
        Shared | 756.4M
       Buffers | 11.9G
        Caches | 11.6G
         Dirty | 3888 kB
       UsedRSS | 60.8G
    Swappiness | 30
   DirtyPolicy | 30, 10
   DirtyStatus | 0, 0
# Percona Toolkit MySQL Summary Report #######################
              System time | 2025-03-14 14:37:17 UTC (local TZ: +03 +0300)
# Instances ##################################################
  Port  Data Directory             Nice OOM Socket
  ===== ========================== ==== === ======
                                   0    0   
# MySQL Executable ###########################################
       Path to executable | /usr/sbin/mysqld
              Has symbols | No
# Slave Hosts ################################################
No slaves found
# Report On Port 3306 ########################################
                     User | pmm@
                     Time | 2025-03-14 17:37:17 (+03)
                 Hostname | hostname
                  Version | 5.7.44-48 Percona Server (GPL), Release 48, Revision 497f936a373
                 Built On | Linux x86_64
                  Started | 2025-03-13 09:14 (up 1+08:23:13)
                Databases | 7
                  Datadir | /var/lib/mysql/
                Processes | 40 connected, 3 running
              Replication | Is not a slave, has 0 slaves connected
                  Pidfile | /var/run/mysqld/ (exists)
# Processlist ################################################

  Command                        COUNT(*) Working SUM(Time) MAX(Time)
  ------------------------------ -------- ------- --------- ---------
  Query                                 3       3         1         1
  Sleep                                35       0     70000     17500

  User                           COUNT(*) Working SUM(Time) MAX(Time)
  ------------------------------ -------- ------- --------- ---------
  bitrix0                              10       2         1         1
  pmm                                   5       1         0         0
  userdb1                          25       0         0         0

  Host                           COUNT(*) Working SUM(Time) MAX(Time)
  ------------------------------ -------- ------- --------- ---------                             5       1         0         0
  localhost                            35       2         1         1

  db                             COUNT(*) Working SUM(Time) MAX(Time)
  ------------------------------ -------- ------- --------- ---------
  NULL                                  5       1         0         0
  userdb1-b24                            25       0         0         0
  mydb                          10       2         1         1

  State                          COUNT(*) Working SUM(Time) MAX(Time)
  ------------------------------ -------- ------- --------- ---------
                                       35       0         0         0
  Sending data                          2       2         1         1
  starting                              1       1         0         0

# Status Counters (Wait 10 Seconds) ##########################
Variable                                Per day  Per second     11 secs
Aborted_clients                             300                        
Aborted_connects                              2                        
Bytes_received                      30000000000      350000      300000
Bytes_sent                          175000000000     2250000     1000000
Com_admin_commands                        25000                        
Com_begin                                 12500                        
Com_change_db                                 8                        
Com_commit                                12500                        
Com_delete                              1250000          15          30
Com_delete_multi                          80000                       3
Com_empty_query                           50000                        
Com_insert                              1750000          20          20
Com_insert_select                        350000           4           5
Com_replace                                7000                        
Com_rollback                                 10                        
Com_select                             50000000         600         450
Com_set_option                          1000000          15          15
Com_show_binlogs                             15                        
Com_show_create_db                           25                        
Com_show_create_table                         5                        
Com_show_databases                           20                        
Com_show_engine_status                     9000                        
Com_show_fields                            4000                        
Com_show_keys                              1000                        
Com_show_master_status                       15                        
Com_show_plugins                           1500                        
Com_show_processlist                         15                        
Com_show_slave_hosts                         15                        
Com_show_slave_status                      9000                        
Com_show_status                           17500                        
Com_show_table_status                         4                        
Com_show_tables                           45000                        
Com_show_variables                         4500                        
Com_show_warnings                             2                        
Com_stmt_execute                             25                        
Com_stmt_close                               25                        
Com_stmt_prepare                             25                        
Com_truncate                                  2                        
Com_update                              2000000          20          25
Com_update_multi                          80000                       3
Connections                              225000           2           4
Created_tmp_disk_tables                 3500000          40          15
Created_tmp_files                         12500                        
Created_tmp_tables                      6000000          70          50
Handler_commit                         50000000         600         500
Handler_delete                          1250000          15           8
Handler_external_lock                 225000000        2500        2000
Handler_read_first                      7000000          80          60
Handler_read_key                     6000000000       70000       17500
Handler_read_last                         60000                        
Handler_read_next                   70000000000      800000     1250000
Handler_read_prev                     225000000        2500           5
Handler_read_rnd                      250000000        3000         700
Handler_read_rnd_next                2500000000       30000        1250
Handler_rollback                            300                        
Handler_update                          5000000          60          35
Handler_write                         250000000        3000         300
Innodb_background_log_sync                90000                       1
Innodb_buffer_pool_bytes_data       12500000000      150000        7000
Innodb_buffer_pool_bytes_dirty        450000000        5000       60000
Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_flushed        1250000          15            
Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_made_not_young     1500000          20            
Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_made_young      700000           7            
Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_old             300000           3            
Innodb_buffer_pool_read_ahead             60000                        
Innodb_buffer_pool_read_requests    100000000000     1250000     1500000
Innodb_buffer_pool_reads                 700000           7            
Innodb_buffer_pool_write_requests     250000000        3000        1250
Innodb_checkpoint_age                 175000000        2000       45000
Innodb_checkpoint_max_age            1250000000       15000            
Innodb_data_fsyncs                       800000           8           1
Innodb_data_read                    12500000000      150000        6000
Innodb_data_reads                        800000           8            
Innodb_data_writes                      5000000          60          60
Innodb_data_written                 30000000000      350000      100000
Innodb_dblwr_pages_written               700000           7            
Innodb_dblwr_writes                      300000           3            
Innodb_ibuf_free_list                      5000                        
Innodb_ibuf_segment_size                   5000                        
Innodb_log_write_requests               6000000          70         125
Innodb_log_writes                       3500000          40          60
Innodb_lsn_current                  1250000000000    15000000       45000
Innodb_lsn_flushed                  1250000000000    15000000       40000
Innodb_lsn_last_checkpoint          1250000000000    15000000            
Innodb_master_thread_active_loops         70000                       1
Innodb_master_thread_idle_loops           12500                        
Innodb_max_trx_id                    2500000000       30000         125
Innodb_mem_adaptive_hash             1000000000       12500            
Innodb_mem_dictionary                  90000000        1000            
Innodb_oldest_view_low_limit_trx_id  2500000000       30000         125
Innodb_os_log_fsyncs                      80000                       1
Innodb_os_log_written                6000000000       70000      100000
Innodb_pages_created                      22500                        
Innodb_pages_read                        800000           8            
Innodb_pages0_read                         1500                        
Innodb_pages_written                    1250000          15            
Innodb_purge_trx_id                  2500000000       30000         125
Innodb_row_lock_time                       1750                        
Innodb_row_lock_waits                        50                        
Innodb_rows_deleted                     1250000          15           8
Innodb_rows_inserted                  250000000        3000         450
Innodb_rows_read                    80000000000      900000     1250000
Innodb_rows_updated                     1750000          20          30
Innodb_num_open_files                      1500                        
Innodb_available_undo_logs                   90                        
Innodb_secondary_index_triggered_cluster_reads 15000000000      175000       70000
Innodb_secondary_index_triggered_cluster_reads_avoided      125000           1            
Innodb_buffered_aio_submitted             60000                        
Key_read_requests                            30                        
Key_reads                                     3                        
Open_table_definitions                     1250                        
Opened_files                              17500                        
Opened_table_definitions                   4500                        
Opened_tables                           3500000          40          45
Performance_schema_digest_lost           600000           7           1
Queries                                60000000         600         600
Questions                              60000000         600         600
Select_full_join                         200000           2           1
Select_full_range_join                   450000           5            
Select_range                            5000000          60          35
Select_range_check                         4500                        
Select_scan                             3500000          40          50
Sort_merge_passes                         70000                        
Sort_range                              3000000          40          40
Sort_rows                             225000000        2500         700
Sort_scan                               6000000          70          45
Ssl_accepts                                 350                       1
Ssl_finished_accepts                        350                       1
Table_locks_immediate                    125000           1           1
Table_open_cache_hits                 100000000        1250         900
Table_open_cache_misses                 3500000          40          45
Table_open_cache_overflows              3500000          40          45
Threads_created                              70                        
Uptime                                    90000           1           1
# Table cache ################################################
                     Size | 2395
                    Usage | 100%
# Key Percona Server features ################################
      Table & Index Stats | Disabled
     Multiple I/O Threads | Enabled
     Corruption Resilient | Enabled
      Durable Replication | Not Supported
     Import InnoDB Tables | Not Supported
     Fast Server Restarts | Not Supported
         Enhanced Logging | Disabled
     Replica Perf Logging | Disabled
      Response Time Hist. | Enabled
          Smooth Flushing | Not Supported
      HandlerSocket NoSQL | Not Supported
           Fast Hash UDFs | Unknown
# Percona XtraDB Cluster #####################################
# Plugins ####################################################
       InnoDB compression | ACTIVE
# Query cache ################################################
         query_cache_type | OFF
                     Size | 0.0
                    Usage | 0%
         HitToInsertRatio | 0%
# Schema #####################################################
Specify --databases or --all-databases to dump and summarize schemas
# Noteworthy Technologies ####################################
                      SSL | Yes
     Explicit LOCK TABLES | No
           Delayed Insert | No
          XA Transactions | No
              NDB Cluster | No
      Prepared Statements | Yes
 Prepared statement count | 0
# InnoDB #####################################################
                  Version | 5.7.44-48
         Buffer Pool Size | 24.0G
         Buffer Pool Fill | 70%
        Buffer Pool Dirty | 2%
           File Per Table | ON
                Page Size | 16k
            Log File Size | 2 * 1.0G = 2.0G
          Log Buffer Size | 128M
             Flush Method | O_DIRECT
      Flush Log At Commit | 2
               XA Support | ON
                Checksums | ON
              Doublewrite | ON
          R/W I/O Threads | 8 4
             I/O Capacity | 200
       Thread Concurrency | 0
      Concurrency Tickets | 5000
       Commit Concurrency | 0
      Txn Isolation Level | READ-COMMITTED
        Adaptive Flushing | ON
      Adaptive Checkpoint | 
           Checkpoint Age | 212M
             InnoDB Queue | 0 queries inside InnoDB, 0 queries in queue
       Oldest Transaction | 0 Seconds
         History List Len | 58
               Read Views | 2
         Undo Log Entries | 0 transactions, 0 total undo, 0 max undo
        Pending I/O Reads | 0 buf pool reads, 0 normal AIO, 0 ibuf AIO, 0 preads
       Pending I/O Writes | 0 buf pool (0 LRU, 0 flush list, 0 page); 0 AIO, 0 sync, 0 log IO (0 log, 0 chkp); 0 pwrites
      Pending I/O Flushes | 0 buf pool, 0 log
       Transaction States | 34xnot started
# MyISAM #####################################################
                Key Cache | 16.0M
                 Pct Used | 20%
                Unflushed | 0%
# Security ###################################################
                    Users | 8 users, 0 anon, 0 w/o pw, 0 old pw
            Old Passwords | 0
# Encryption #################################################
No keyring plugins found
# Binary Logging #############################################
# Noteworthy Variables #######################################
     Auto-Inc Incr/Offset | 1/1
   default_storage_engine | InnoDB
               flush_time | 0
             init_connect | SET NAMES utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci
                init_file | 
                 sql_mode | 
         join_buffer_size | 2M
         sort_buffer_size | 2M
         read_buffer_size | 128k
     read_rnd_buffer_size | 256k
       bulk_insert_buffer | 0.00
      max_heap_table_size | 1G
           tmp_table_size | 1G
       max_allowed_packet | 16M
             thread_stack | 128k
                      log | 
                log_error | /var/log/mysql/error.log
             log_warnings | 2
         log_slow_queries | 
log_queries_not_using_indexes | OFF
        log_slave_updates | OFF
# Configuration File #########################################
              Config File | /etc/my.cnf

port                                = 3306
socket                              = /var/lib/mysqld/mysqld.sock
default-character-set               = utf8

nice                                = 0
socket                              = /var/lib/mysqld/mysqld.sock

user                                = mysql
port                                = 3306
basedir                             = /usr
datadir                             = /var/lib/mysql
socket                              = /var/lib/mysqld/mysqld.sock
default-storage-engine              = innodb
pid-file                            = /var/run/mysqld/
transaction-isolation               = READ-COMMITTED
max_allowed_packet                  = 16M
myisam-recover-options              = BACKUP
explicit_defaults_for_timestamp     = 1
expire_logs_days                    = 10
max_binlog_size                     = 100M
sql_mode                            = ""
query_cache_size                    = 32M
table_open_cache                    = 4096
thread_cache_size                   = 32
key_buffer_size                     = 16M
thread_stack                        = 128K
join_buffer_size                    = 2M
sort_buffer_size                    = 2M
tmpdir                              = /tmp
max_heap_table_size                 = 32M
tmp_table_size                      = 32M
innodb_buffer_pool_size             = 32M
innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit      = 2
innodb_log_file_size                = 64M
innodb_flush_method                 = O_DIRECT
innodb_strict_mode                  = OFF
character-set-server                = utf8
collation-server                    = utf8_unicode_ci
init-connect                        = "SET NAMES utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci"

max_allowed_packet                  = 16M
default-character-set               = utf8


key_buffer                          = 16M
# /etc/mysql/conf.d/logging.cnf

log-error                           = /var/log/mysql/error.log

log-error                           = /var/log/mysql/error.log
# /etc/mysql/conf.d/bvat.cnf

query_cache_type                    = 1
query_cache_size                    = 128M
query_cache_limit                   = 16M
innodb_buffer_pool_size             = 18432M
max_connections                     = 205
table_open_cache                    = 18432
thread_cache_size                   = 512
max_heap_table_size                 = 128M
tmp_table_size                      = 128M
key_buffer_size                     = 256M
join_buffer_size                    = 32M
sort_buffer_size                    = 32M
bulk_insert_buffer_size             = 2M
myisam_sort_buffer_size             = 32M
# /etc/mysql/conf.d/z_bx_custom.cnf

query_cache_limit                   = 64M
max_connections                     = 200
max_heap_table_size                 = 1024M
tmp_table_size                      = 1Gb
query_response_time_stats           = on
innodb_read_io_threads              = 8
query_cache_type                    = off
query_cache_size                    = 0
join_buffer_size                    = 2M
sort_buffer_size                    = 2M
key_buffer_size                     = 16M
table_open_cache                    = 8192
innodb_buffer_pool_instances        = 8
innodb_buffer_pool_size             = 24g
innodb_log_file_size                = 1g
innodb_log_buffer_size              = 128M
max_digest_length                   = 20480
performance_schema_max_digest_length = 20480
performance_schema_max_sql_text_length = 20480
open_files_limit                    = 10000
# Memory management library ##################################
jemalloc is not enabled in mysql config for process with id 2817

I also noticed some swap activity

Hello @Yauheni_Freeman,
MySQL 5.7 is dead software, there will be no fixes for it. You will need to upgrade to 8.0, or better 8.4 (current LTS) and verify this issue still exists. Many improvements have been made to MySQL in terms of memory management since 5.7.

It’s generally recommended to keep swappiness=1

echo “vm.swappiness = 1” >> /etc/sysctl.conf
sysctl -p