CA.pem = this is root CA certificate
server-key.pem = I am confused with this. What it should be
server-cert.pem= I am confused with this. What it should be
I have wildcard certificate. (eg:- *
Can i use this wildcard certificate as my server-cert.pem.
I have example.crt which includes (root CA, intermidiate ca, *
And also
I have example.pem which includes (root CA, intermidiate ca, * , server key)
And does it needs to be in .pem format only.
Please let me know…I always confused when it comes to certificate
I don’t know if MySQL supports wildcard certificates. server-key.pem is the private key of your certificate and sever-cert.pem is the certificate itself.
Temporally I am using default certificates that are created on node one and placing same on other 2 nodes. Just want to know do i have to put below details in my my.cnf file.