Mysql 8 certificates

hello Mattheb.

Thank you for your response.

Can you please let me know abt the certificate

CA.pem = this is root CA certificate
server-key.pem = I am confused with this. What it should be
server-cert.pem= I am confused with this. What it should be

I have wildcard certificate. (eg:- *

Can i use this wildcard certificate as my server-cert.pem.

I have example.crt which includes (root CA, intermidiate ca, *

And also

I have example.pem which includes (root CA, intermidiate ca, * , server key)

And does it needs to be in .pem format only.

Please let me know…I always confused when it comes to certificate

I don’t know if MySQL supports wildcard certificates. server-key.pem is the private key of your certificate and sever-cert.pem is the certificate itself.

Hello Matthewb

Temporally I am using default certificates that are created on node one and placing same on other 2 nodes. Just want to know do i have to put below details in my my.cnf file.



use this setting and it will apply the SSL parameters to wsrep and SST automatically


Hello Matthewb

as encryption is enabled by default. I have created a cluster. How should I verify that my encryption is working or not.

Hi @rahuls50

You can use tcpdump to dump the contents of the tcp packets. For example:

tcpdump -n --interface lo0 -A tcp dst port 3306

Then test unencrypted connection:

 mysql -h <host> -u<user> -p<password> -P 3306 --ssl-mode=disabled -e "select 'unencrypted_content'

You should get a content similar to this:

10:56:30.519594 IP X.X.X.X.50694 > X.X.X.X.3306: Flags [P.], seq 34:69, ack 84, win 6326, options [nop,nop,TS val 909369158 ecr 1037336205], length 35
E..W..@.@......$...$.......I2.7............ 'unencrypted content'

To test encrypted connection:

 mysql -h <host> -u<user> -p<password> -P 3306 -e "select 'encrypted_content'

You should get a content similar to this:

11:30:34.837881 IP X.X.X.X.51334 > X.X.X.X.3306: Flags [P.], seq 36:335, ack 79, win 6378, options [nop,nop,TS val 388257037 ecr 2675164603], length 299
.$U..s......&...".....E."aC.3#...O.~..D........a... .8h.........	:'QN..c....<.!k4.X..H.......+.,./.#.'.0.$.(.....g.@...k.j.....	...
...........#.............0.............	.
.................................+........-.....3.&.$... ....j..#...(L.>..&...cCR.l......

As you can see, the encrypted connection is not human readable.
